Chapter 317 Daytime Thoughts, Nighttime Dreams_1

Claudia Ross tossed and turned for a while before she could fall back to sleep, and even in her dreams, she wasn't resting easy, mumbling incoherently.

Apart from the words "daughter," Wyatt Perry couldn't make out what else she was saying.

Wyatt Perry gently wiped Claudia Ross's forehead with a damp towel, feeling surprisingly content.

The effort he had put in was finally not in vain; Claudia Ross was starting to slowly accept him.

She must still love him, otherwise she wouldn't dream about having his children.

Their child would surely be cute.

As the saying goes, what one thinks by day, they dream of by night. He often dreamed of being intimately close to Claudia Ross.

Those dreams felt as real as if they had actually happened, a union so satisfying it overwhelmed him with emotion.

Wyatt Perry bent down and kissed Claudia Ross's eyes.

Eyes red from being washed, heartbreakingly so.

Suddenly, Claudia Ross called out in a hoarse voice, "Wyatt Perry..."

"I'm here!"