Just an ordinary Knife

Blades come in all shapes and sizes. They even differ in color, but no matter the size or hue, everyone has one. The way of the sword is a way of life for nearly everyone—everyone except me.

You see, I wasn't born with money. I do have two loving parents, though, at least I think they love me. It's hard to tell sometimes, but then again, how could they love a talentless son who couldn't even manage to become an F-rank swordsman?

Anyway, a big part of our society is the way of the sword. Why, you ask? Well, the reason is about to make its chapter debut right about… now.

I stood in the kitchen of my family's modest home, helping my mom with dinner when suddenly, a violent vibration emanated from outside the house. Before we could react, the cause came crashing through a window in the kitchen.

He brushed himself off and stood up. He was about six and a half feet tall, covered in fur from head to toe, with a muscular build and piercing green eyes. He was a Primordia—a creature that shared some human features, but was clearly not human. The scream he let out in my direction was proof enough of that.

Before I could even think, I grabbed the nearest weapon I saw, which was a knife sitting on the countertop. As soon as I touched it, a green glow appeared around my hand, and the knife grew to five times its original size. Just a second ago, it was an ordinary knife.

My name is Stark, and this is the beginning of my story.