No skill

Having a sword wasn't the same as knowing how to use it. Even so, it was better than having nothing at all in this situation. I lifted the blade, noticing how surprisingly light it was—potentially an advantage. But just as I prepared my swing, the sword was caught between the giant's fingers. He yanked upward, lifting both me and the sword into the air, clearly intending to throw us through the wall.

Then, with a thunderous crash, a new figure burst through the kitchen. Amid the rubble, I saw a young girl with brown curly hair and piercing light brown eyes. She was clad in full battle armor, and her wrist gauntlets glowed a fierce red. In her hand was a sword identical to mine. But that couldn't be the same sword, I thought; mine was lying on the ground beside the monster's severed arm.

I wanted to thank her, but she cut me off. "Hold your thanks. I'm not convinced you're not an enemy yet," she said firmly. Despite her suspicion, she tossed my sword back to me. "Fight now. We'll sort this out later."

In that moment, the realization hit me—I had a sword but no idea how to use it. As I stood there, paralyzed by uncertainty, she turned back to the beast. With a single, swift swing, she decapitated it. The head and body vanished into a swirling green mist almost immediately.

The battle was over, leaving only the lingering scent of ozone and the eerie silence of the aftermath.