Chapter 135: Easter Egg Appears (Added Chapter 4 for Boss Qiu)

Within the imperial palace, Zhao Qin did not hold the morning court session today. Instead, he had the ministers kneel outside the Golden Throne and listen to some nonsense for a while before dismissing them.

Playing with the young emperor in his arms as if the boy were a cat, Zhao Qin looked down and soon saw someone approaching.

The footsteps of the newcomer were almost soundless, and even his breathing slowed to one breath per hundred counts, a testament to his terrifying mastery of internal energy.

He was the Supreme Warrior known as First Under Heaven, Ye Qingguo.

At the age of forty, Ye Qingguo's vitality and blood energy were impeccable, maintaining his physical strength at its peak at all times, making him appear to be an ordinary young man.

But Zhao Qin knew beneath that seemingly average exterior lay the strength of nine bulls and two tigers, enough to fend off a charging wild elephant with one palm and instantly end its life.