Chapter 175 What is Gourmet Food (Two Updates)_1

Under Xu Qingling's piloting, the scenery outside the ship changed rapidly: what was a vast galaxy just moments ago soon turned into gigantic planets, making everything look as though they were flickering slides in a projector.

Lin Nan had never seen such quick maneuvers; the terrifying speed of her hands was like witnessing a piano maestro, whose tempestuous movements were as precise as a machine's.

Even though there was the assistant robot Delta, Delta couldn't replace all the operations. Critical ones still needed to be performed by humans, and Xu Qingling's movements and expressions showed that she was undoubtedly a top-tier pilot.

In the blink of an eye, the spaceship had conducted hundreds of jump operations.

To confuse the Sect's pursuing ships, Xu Qingling even used a method of repeated jumps, which involved continuously returning to the same jump point to increase the number of potential trajectories at a critical location, thereby confounding their pursuers.