Chapter 78 Fishing Enforcement_1


Was it that kid who bought Brady Simmons's store?

Did we just spend half the day mocking him right in front of his face?

This is just awkward!

As the saying goes, don't talk about a monk's head in his presence!

Yet these small business owners had a field day insulting the fool who bought Brady Simmons's store right in front of Greg Jensen.

The most infuriating part was that Greg Jensen, that no-good, smirking SOB, joined them in the mockery.

What the hell kind of move was this?


Everyone wished they could find a hole to crawl into; the level of embarrassment was on par with a massive social death on the spot!

"Hehe, so it was Boss Jensen who bought it, huh? You should've said so earlier."

The gold shop owner Mr. Lin grinned sheepishly, "Boss Jensen's got a good eye."

"Haha, yes, Boss Jensen really does have great taste; the location is indeed great."

"I didn't realize Boss Jensen was so capable, buying such a big shop at such a young age."