Chapter 77 Buying a Storefront_1


Greg Jensen only then realized that Kenny Walker was the big brother of Riverhaven County, and calling him the Underground Emperor was no exaggeration.

Although he had already whitewashed and gone into business, which of those people mixing on the streets hadn't been under his control at some point?

Even that so-called Evan Holmes used to be one of his fierce warriors.

The extent of Kenny Walker's power was apparent!

In other words, if you offended Kenny Walker in Riverhaven County, then forget about living peacefully.

The Brady Simmons before him was forced to sell his shop and develop elsewhere in another county simply because he had inadvertently angered Kenny Walker.

Speaking of offense, the real reason was that Kenny Walker's wife took a fancy to Brady Simmons' shop and didn't want to spend a lot of money to purchase it, so she just created a scenario.

Poor Brady Simmons, with not enough strength, had no choice but to be slaughtered.