Chapter 183: Mistaken Identity_1


The onlookers felt their minds go blank, speechless at the shock of what unfolded before their eyes.

Everyone could hardly believe their eyes. Theo Carter, who used to strut around the school like he owned the place, was actually kneeling and apologizing to Vince Cooper?

How could this be possible?

The previous Theo Carter wouldn't even think of apologizing, much less kneel. Even a slight defiance of his wishes would lead to his crazy retaliation.

And to kneel and apologize?

After a brief silence, the scene immediately erupted into chaos.

"What the fuck, what's happening?"

"Has Theo Carter gone mad? He's actually... kneeling to Vince Cooper?"

"Could he have been scared?"

"Maybe, Winston Carter had his legs broken by Vince Cooper's boyfriend, maybe he's scared too?"

Meanwhile, inside the girls' dormitory, Cindy Harrison sat on her bed with a worried expression, lost in thought.