Chapter 184 Preparing for Renovation_1

"I don't know about that, just what everyone is saying."

Judy Lampe laughed, "Who cares who it is, as long as we don't clash with them."

"That's true."

Cindy Harrison, apparently lost in thought for a moment, relaxed her expression and casually asked, "What's the situation with Dreamscape Garden?"

Judy Lampe's expression changed slightly, "I was just about to tell you about that. God knows where that idiot found a renovation company, but they've started transporting sand and gravel a few days ago."

At this, Cindy Harrison's brows immediately furrowed, "Who's got the guts to take on the project at Dreamscape Garden?"

"Must be a company from out of town."

Seeing her niece's expression grow stern, Judy Lampe hastily said, "Cindy, if you ask me, we shouldn't worry. Even if they start the work, what can they do? A few accidents and they'll have to stop. That place is jinxed; nothing's ever going to come of it."