Chapter 185 Feng Shui Master_1

Jaden Ford also laughed along and said, "Greg, you've already said we are friends, there's no need to be so formal."

"Haha, that's just me being pretentious. Come on, let's have some tea."

Greg Jensen smiled, poured tea for everyone, and they started chatting casually.

After talking for a while, they had dinner at the restaurant, and then they each went their separate ways.

Jaden Ford had something to attend to at home, so she left with Damon Milton.

Once they were seated in the minivan, Damon Milton asked with a slightly serious expression, "Miss, who exactly is this Mr. Greg?"

"What do you mean? Is there something wrong?" Jaden Ford looked at him in surprise.

Damon Milton said with a wry smile, "Nothing's wrong, it's just that next time you have such an impressive friend around, could you give me a heads-up? I almost embarrassed myself today."

Surprised, Jaden Ford asked, "Embarrassed? Is Brother Greg's feng shui skill that high?"