Chapter 234: Getting the Information _1

Clara Adams glanced at Nathan Humphrey and recounted the events in detail.

The woman's brows immediately furrowed, and she said indifferently, "Nathan Humphrey, starting today, you no longer need to deal with the store's matters. Focus on managing the daily operations back at the company."


Nathan Humphrey instinctively turned his head and looked over, clearly reluctant to part with Clara Adams.

The woman's face was stern as she said, "If I let you continue this nonsense, sooner or later, Treasure Mansion will fail because of you!"

"But I..."

"Go now!"

Nathan Humphrey, with no choice, trudged away with his head hanging.

Before leaving, he shot Greg Jensen a fierce glare, obviously blaming him for the entire mishap.

Greg Jensen didn't take it to heart at all; not only was he not upset, but he also wore a relaxed smile.

In his eyes, Nathan Humphrey was just a spoiled child.

Who holds a grudge against a child?