Chapter 235 Car Accident_1

He turned his head and saw no movement inside the SUV, guessing that the driver must have passed out. He quickly got out of his car and ran over.

As he approached the SUV, he froze because the person sitting inside was none other than Nathan Humphrey's mother, Liliana Grey.

Liliana's face was flushed red, and there was a noticeable injury on her forehead from the impact.

Greg thought she had been knocked unconscious by the hit, so he rushed to check her pulse.

Then, his expression immediately darkened.

The reason Liliana had passed out was not due to the impact, but because she had been poisoned with a potent seductive drug!

At this moment, her face was red, breathing rapid, and her heartbeat was as fast as a drum.

Clearly, the seductive poison had already invaded her heart, and he had to administer an antidote to her immediately.