Chapter 370 The Dawn After Dark_1


Vince Brent's lifeless body fell straight to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The people of the Morris family were all stunned.

Vince Brent, who was in the later stage of Dark Strength, was actually killed by a punch from Fraser Simmons from across the air?

How is that possible?

As Elliot Morris recalled the scene of Vince Brent's death, he suddenly felt a shiver down his spine, stiffly turning his head only to see Fraser Simmons looking right at him.

He felt a chill run down his entire body, as if he had fallen into an icy cave, and took a step back instinctively, his voice trembling as he said, "You... you're already a half-step Grandmaster?"

"Heh, what do you think?"

With a slight smile, Fraser Simmons revealed his eerily white teeth, the cold smile sending shivers down Elliot Morris's spine.

"How... how could that be? You've been bedridden for so many years, even if your illness was cured, how could you suddenly become a half-step Grandmaster?"