Chapter 371 Annual Income Over 100 Million_1


The Morris family was completely shocked!

After a brief silence, the living room suddenly exploded into commotion.

"How is this possible?"

"He's been disabled for so many years, and even if he recovered from his illness, how could he possibly become a half-step Grandmaster?"

Leon Morris's face turned red with anger as he grabbed Elliot Morris's collar, fuming,

"I've worked so hard for so many years, yet I'm still hovering at the Peak of Dark Power.

Fraser Simmons has been lying in bed for several years, so why the hell can he become a half-step Grandmaster? Tell me, why?"

He was truly furious. Even when Fraser Simmons was not ill, the Morris family had been suppressed by the Simmons family.

Finally, after Fraser Simmons became disabled and he had successfully reached the Peak of Dark Power, when it was his turn to shine, that old man unexpectedly got ahead of him again.

"Dad, I... I don't know, I really don't know."