Chapter 376 The Innocent Ceiling_1

After leaving the Peach Blossom Group, Greg Jensen drove alone to the provincial capital.

The martial arts exchange meeting was in three days, and he had to visit the Simmons family in advance to get the invitation letter.

Greg had called Fraser Simmons before he departed, and when he arrived at the Simmons home, all four members of the family were standing at the entrance to welcome him.

Mick Simmons and Donald Simmons looked the same as ever, while Fraser Simmons appeared ruddy and spirited, looking a hundred times better than before.

Amelia Simmons, however, wore a schoolgirl outfit, similar to JK style but not as revealing, displaying her twenty-year-old innocence to the fullest.

She was the kind of delicate and petite girl, yet paradoxically busty, contrasting sharply with her slim waist like willow branches, giving a strong sense of contrast.

Greg couldn't help but be dazzled by her, thinking to himself that this was probably what they meant by "pure desire."