Chapter 377 Falling All Over the Ground Like Red_1

Greg didn't know what the father and daughter were thinking. After resting for a while at noon, he began to concentrate on brewing the medicinal ingredients.

Amelia conscientiously went to the living room to play on her phone, while Greg was busy in the kitchen until dark, ultimately producing close to forty Elixir pills.

He put all the Elixirs into a small medicine bottle and suddenly realized that Mick hadn't come to deliver dinner.

"Hey, didn't your dad bring over dinner?"


Amelia laughed, "But it's okay, I went out and bought groceries in the afternoon, so I'll cook dinner tonight."

"Can you cook?"

"Mr. Greg, you really underestimate me. I started learning to cook with my mom when I was in my teens."

"Uh, okay then."

Greg smiled, feeling a bit puzzled. He had the impression that Mick and his daughter were acting a bit strange today.

He didn't dwell on it and, after cleaning up the kitchen, went to the master bedroom's bathroom for a shower.