Chapter 500 Heroines Are No Less Courageous Than Men_1


Julian Stuart's eyes lit up, "Do you mean to kill him ahead of time?"

Naomi Milton smiled, "Exactly! As long as Barry Wolfe is dead, then there's no need to keep trying to win him over. After all, dead men can't become enemies, can they?"

"That's true, but..."

Julian Stuart worriedly said, "Although Barry Wolfe is arrogant and presumptuous, he does have some skills. Killing him won't be easy."

"If we can't do it openly, we'll just do it secretly!"

Naomi Milton's expression turned cold as she said, "It's a pity my big brother is too soft-hearted. If it were me, I'd have buried the explosives and blown him up!"


Julian Stuart's eyes sparkled again and he said, "I heard that the local barracks just received a batch of Shock Bombs. Just throw one or two at Barry Wolfe, and I guarantee we won't leave even a hair on him!"

"Exactly, that's the plan!"

The couple looked at each other and burst into laughter.
