Chapter 499: Discussion_1

Stuart Family, conference room.

All the direct descendants of the Stuart Family were present, even the recently operated on Grandfather Stuart had rushed over in his wheelchair.

"Yo, Old Seven, is your leg okay now?"


Grandfather Stuart sat next to the conference table with a gloomy face, casually responding with a grunt.

After a while, the old patriarch and the other members of the Stuart family also arrived at the conference room.

The old patriarch glanced at Grandfather Stuart and asked with concern, "Old Seven, how is your leg?"

"It won't kill me!"

"Impudent, how do you speak to Dad like that?"

Eldest Brother Stuart glared at him.

Grandfather Stuart snorted coldly and turned his head away.

The old patriarch glanced at him indifferently and then said to everyone, "Alright, the meeting can start now."

Carmen Stuart reminded, "Grandpa, wait a moment, Aunt Nine hasn't arrived yet."

"Has Nine returned?"

"Yes, when did Nine come back? How come I didn't know?"