Chapter 508 Lonely Men and Women_1


Recalling the fleeting kiss just moments ago, Zhou Jiumei's heart immediately began to race, and her complexion grew even rosier.

She couldn't help but raise her little fist and waved it in the direction of Greg Jensen, snorting, "Stinky man, taking advantage of me when you had the chance!"

In fact, she wasn't unreasonable and knew that, under those circumstances, what Greg Jensen did was the right choice.

But still, it was her first kiss.

Having taken someone's first kiss, was she not allowed to vent a little?

Greg Jensen was still in a deep sleep, showing no response to her "indignation."

Zhou Jiumei stood up and stretched, noticing that her body was no longer in any serious pain, she couldn't help but marvel inwardly at the miraculous medicine Barry Wolfe had given her.

She hadn't been far from the blast and her injuries had certainly been serious, yet she had recovered so quickly.