Chapter 509 A Prophecy Fulfilled_1

At this moment, Zhou Jiumei seemed to realize something and suddenly turned her head back, only to find that she had wrongly accused the other person.

Greg Jensen was not only closing his eyes, but his body was also turned to the side, looking every bit the gentleman.

Zhou Jiumei couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed, so she quickly added more firewood and returned to the darkness.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."


Greg Jensen opened his eyes and instinctively looked towards Zhou Jiumei.

Zhou Jiumei chided, "Don't look!"

"It's so dark, I wouldn't be able to see even if I wanted to," Greg Jensen defended.

Zhou Jiumei thought about it and realized it was true, Greg Jensen was so close to the fire that while she could see him without a problem, he certainly couldn't see her clearly.

With this in mind, she no longer took it to heart and instead asked, "How's your body feeling?"

"Without ten days to half a month, I'm afraid it would be difficult to move freely."