Chapter 510: Don't Believe Me? Just Try_1

A little while later, Lily Zhou had already lost all thought of those concerns.

The underground river gurgled along, fishes leaping from the surface before splashing down, creating large sprays of water.

Time was unknowable within the cave, but outside it likely was day, and the fishes in the water grew more animated.

They danced to the echoes of music within the cave, merrily jumping, bobbing up and down on the surface.

Time passed, and finally, the cave quieted down. The fish too seemed tired of swimming and gathered quietly, jointly resisting the current.

Lily Zhou suddenly snapped to her senses, stood up in a panic, but the movement pulled at her wound, causing her legs to go weak, her body tilting backwards.

Just then, a large hand suddenly reached out, grabbing her slender wrist.

"Thank you..."

Lily Zhou said thanks out of reflex, then suddenly her eyes widened with a startled cry, "You... you're awake?"