Chapter 538 Night Talk_1

Late at night, inside the Locke family study.

"Theresa, what on earth are you thinking?"

Noah Locke's face looked somewhat unpleasant as he questioned, "Don't you know the current situation of our family?

The more strength we have, the more means of self-protection we possess. You said yourself that Barry Wolfe is very strong.

So why don't you keep him here and ask for his help?"

Theresa Locke responded with dissatisfaction, "Dad, if you want to ask Barry for help, you can just say it directly. Why use an excuse of sightseeing?

Barry is extremely sensitive. You doing this..."

Noah Locke explained, "I'm not close to him, there are some things that can't be said openly, don't you understand that?"

Enough, stop blaming Theresa now," said the elder Locke, opening his eyes and speaking indifferently: "One more or one less doesn't make much difference, the survival of the Locke family doesn't depend on one or two people."