Chapter 539 Lin Family Treasury_1

The fingerprint and password were verified, and the anti-theft door opened slowly.

Old Master Locke said with a smile, "This is the Locke family's treasure vault. Feel free to take whatever you like after you enter, Greg. There's no need to stand on ceremony with me."

"Haha, then I won't be polite."

Greg didn't refuse. Since the other party was offering benefits, it would seem petty to decline. He would simply accept them graciously.

If it really came down to it, he could think of a way to make it up to them later.

"Theresa, you should come in as well."

"Okay, Grandfather."

The two entered the treasure vault, and Greg couldn't help but inwardly admire that the Lockes, as a major Mystic City household, had a much larger vault than others.

He had visited the Preston and Cooper family vaults, which were only a few dozen square meters in size. The Locke's vault was easily three to four hundred square meters.