Chapter 635: Puppet_1

After a night had passed, some more of the cold and deathly aura had dissipated from the cave.

Greg Jensen walked through the mist to the stone door, hesitated for a moment, peered through the crack, and saw that the two statues were still standing there.

Clad in armor, holding long halberds, they looked daunting and majestic.

He wasn't sure if it was just his imagination, but Greg felt that the two statues seemed to have moved closer to the stone door than before.

He furrowed his brows and reached out to push the stone door.


The chilly stone door trembled under Greg's push, shaking off years of accumulated dust that fluttered down.

He shook his body to fling off the dust, and then, with force from his Dantian, True Yuan surged, and the stone door slowly opened to one side amidst a teeth-gritting friction sound.

A breeze passed by, bringing with it the stench of decay.