Chapter 636: An Egg_1

Inside the cave, the yin evil energy that should have been thick as ink was instead extremely thin, barely visible without a close look.

However, the chilling breath was incredibly intense.

At the far end of the cave was a pool, containing a liquid that was a bright red like blood.

It was clear that originally this liquid should have filled the pool, but for some unknown reason, it had decreased to its current level.

On the walls of the pool, one could see the remnants of watermarks.

Looking around, Greg Jensen's eyes involuntarily narrowed, and an inexplicable chill rose in his heart.

Because at the four corners of the cave were four piles of bone white skeletons, stacked like mountains.

Those skeletons were massive, resembling some sort of unknown wild beasts, some with tusks as long as those of elephants, others with sharp bony spikes protruding from their backs.

They looked extremely ferocious!