Chapter 644: Knight Group Mercenary_1


The other men, hearing this, simultaneously showed a twinge of fear on their faces and, not bothering with Old Yellow Six any longer, turned and ran.

"Think you can run? It's not so easy!"

A cold voice suddenly rang out.

The next second, the flash of swords passed by, and one by one, the foreign men fell to the ground like cut wheat, soon void of breath.

Only the man who ran first narrowly escaped disaster, but a large gash was slashed across his leg by a Flying Sword, and he fell to the ground with a thud, struggling to get up.

Old Yellow Six and those men had been locked in battle for quite a while, with multiple injuries on his body, his face still showing fear.

"Boss, these people are indeed strange."


Greg nodded, their speed was very fast, like that of cheetahs, and if it were anyone else, they would have been helpless against them.

"You... don't come any closer, stay away from me!"