Chapter 645 Sincere Cooperation_1

The Eighteen Cities of the South.

In a sumptuous room, a foreign man with golden hair and blue eyes held a glass of red wine, relaxedly smiling, said,

"Noah, don't worry, my men are very strong, they will definitely complete the mission."

Robin Hayes followed with a laugh, "Yes, Uncle Noah, you have seen those people's strength, even if they can't kill Barry Wolfe, there's still the white phosphorus bomb, right?"

For some reason, Noah Locke always had a bad premonition. Barry Wolfe was like an Immortal figure. Could a few foreign devils really kill him?

White Phosphorus Bomb!

That's right, there's still the white phosphorus bomb. This time Barry Wolfe is dead for sure!

While Noah Locke encouraged himself in his heart, he nodded and said with a smile,

"Well, as long as Barry Wolfe is dead, our families' good days are just around the corner."

"Yeah, as long as Barry Wolfe is dead!"

"Barry Wolfe must die this time!"

The other Family Heads also echoed this sentiment.