Teaching the Kings Responsibility - Part 2

Tony was walking through the great hall after returning from the city. He drank with some of the Vikings till they were drunk and pressed questions on them. However, the information he received was useless or unhelpful for what he wanted to know. He was walking through a hallway before turning to walk across a balcony that connected the great hall to the home of the former royals. But before he crossed, he stopped and saw Alice on the balcony looking out towards the city and beyond the horizon.

Tony slowly approached her with a whistle before joining her to look out towards the view. "I've seen amazing views from different empires but this one has got to be my new favorite. I wonder what it'll look like with the rising sun as the sky glows orange and the sea sparkles," he stated. Alice said nothing but sighed at his presence. "I thought you were supposed to sold in a backwater town?" he continued.

"I was till they realized they could make more in a popular town," said Alice, annoyed by Tony's presence.

"And that got you here to capital, how did Chief Stoick buy you? Did they approach him? What was the reason for the buy?" pressed Tony.

Alice turned a glared at Tony, though she gave mercy to Zhōng, she wasn't going to for Tony. "How long did you know?" she asked.

"That you were here? The moment I saw you talking to Chief Stoick in the shadows," said Tony.

"That's not what I meant," growled Alice, gritting her teeth.

Tony could see Alice's eyes blazing like Zhōng's almost a year ago. Though they didn't blacken, she was close and revealed herself carrying the pain of their betrayal. "I found out about a week or two before you were captured. I had a feeling since my and Zhōng's mentor avoided the answer for so long. Zhōng meanwhile found out about it the night they took you." he explained as he looked out to the scenery.

"What happened to that bag? What did Zhōng do with it?" demanded Alice.

"He threw it at my feet and left, I didn't speak with him for over half a year. I did see him a couple of times after though, the first was at a trial for the men responsible for paying us. They had to pay the sum to your family as compensation, but once they did, they weren't found alive again. I think Zhōng was involved but he didn't tell me nor do I have proof. I saw him a couple of times afterwards but not close enough to speak."

"Yet you somehow got back together with him," said Alice.

"Well there were a couple of hiccups and he tried to kill me last year." chuckled Tony.

The two of them said nothing for a while as they looked out in silent awkwardness. Tony could see Alice was frustrated with something that didn't involve their relationship. "I understand why Odin doesn't want to be chief," spoke Alice, reading Tony's mind before he could ask.

"Well Zhōng doesn't want to be emperor, can Odin be the wielder of the Viking Axe and you can lead the Vikings since you're second in command?" said Tony.

Alice shook her head and said, "The Vikings believe that the strongest should wield the Viking Axe, they also believe that the strongest should be chief. If I take control, the Vikings won't accept me as their leader because I don't wield the Viking Axe. Likewise, the Vikings don't see why the Viking Axe chose Odin since he isn't strong." explained Alice.

"I assume the Vikings aren't willing to accept change." guessed Tony.

"Sooner or later, they will challenge me for my position. If I lose, they will demand Odin to surrender the Viking Axe," stated Alice.

"What makes you think they'll challenge you? You clearly are way stronger than any of them and they coward at your presence," said Tony.

"I've heard great reports of what King Alexios and Former Empress Wēi are doing to govern this empire. They're fair and just while also making our empire stronger which is surprising for foreign empires to do. Meanwhile, I haven't heard anything about Emperor Zhēngfú except he's been spotted talking with some of the high generals." said Alice.

"You think he's plotting something?" asked Tony.

"I can see it in their eyes as we have our meetings. It's another thing I have to worry about," replied Alice.

"Why are you so determined to this empire? You weren't born here, you were sold because of me and Zhōng," stated Tony.

Alice leaned her back on the rail and crossed her arms, she looked at Tony with anger still but determination. "Zhōng is going to need every soldier he can get, the Viking Empire is critical for him to receive. As second in command, it's my job to make sure the empire takes the right steps in order to prosper. Finally, as a slave to Chief Stoick, I am ordered to serve him and his heir of the Viking Axe. This is why I don't take the mantle of chief, these three reasons are why I will fight for this empire." she explained.

"Perhaps you should tell Odin these reasons," suggested Tony.

"He won't listen to me, considering all of the generals including myself knew about the Ninja Empire invasion, it didn't matter how long because he feels like we betrayed him," said Alice.

"So you need someone that's not a general but carries the same kind of respect, did not know about the invasion, and is willing to help Zhōng as well." listed out Tony. The two friends sighed as they thought of who, but little did they know, Zhen was listening from the hallway Tony came from.

Zhōng crotched down to look at the ground, it moist and soft as it pressed beneath his finger. But when he removed the pressure, it rose back up leaving just a small dip behind. This evidence concluded his theory as he stared out into the dark woods. After being in the forest outside of the Assassin Empire's capital for an hour, he concluded that he and Pablo should cross paths soon. He looked up into the trees as they cast shadows down upon him as he searched for movement. He soon got up and pulled his cowl over his forehead and started running deeper into the forest.

Zhōng soon started running through the trees as he ventured deeper. His left arm was still sore but wasn't enough to bother his movement and his speed. He soon dropped and rolled on the ground before pushing his back to a tree. He peaked around and saw no one while hearing nothing but birds chirping. He leaned back on the tree taking a few deep breaths as he quietly drew the Ninja Sword. His heartbeat was loud and rapid as he could feel the battle about to begin. He calmed it down and closed his eyes as he sensed where the first attack was coming from. He leaned forward and thrust the Ninja Sword past his back and straight up at Pablo who was falling down.

Seeing the tip of the blade just mere inches away, Pablo pushed off from the tree and rolled away. When he turned around, he saw Zhōng armed with both his Valtryek and the Ninja Sword as he charged. Pablo evaded the first blows but had to duck since Zhōng changed his grip and his swing suddenly. "I guess you found me," said Pablo.

"I thought we were playing tag, you were it if I recall." joked Zhōng before sending combo strikes at his friend. His hybrid techniques kept Pablo from catching a break since his blades were a blur.

Knowing he couldn't evade forever, Pablo revealed his hidden blades and they locked with Zhōng's swords. "Are you sure we're playing games right now?" asked Pablo.

"Fights are always games to compete," said Zhōng. The two broke away and he continued to press Pablo to play defense. He faced Assassins before he knew he mustn't allow them to get too close. Just when Pablo evaded and got very close to strike, Zhōng leaped away and slashed at the Assassin.

"I have to admit, you weren't joking when you said you fought my kind before," said Pablo.

"They were good, but not as good as you." praised Zhōng, pointing his swords at the Assassin as he waited for the next charge.

"Anyone can defeat an Assassin in an open space, but what about if there are places to hide?" said Pablo. He jumped up as Zhōng watched him till he disappeared into the shadows cast.

"Well I would cut down every tree near me," replied Zhōng.

"That's going to leave you exposed to side attacks." echoed Pablo's voice in the trees. Zhōng tried to find where he spoke but couldn't see him.

"Well, I stop your first surprise attack," gloated Zhōng. He searched through the ray of light piercing through the dense branches hoping to see movement. He kept his guard up and his ears open as he could hear branches moving due to weight. He suddenly heard a different sound and evaded as throwing knives struck the ground. Once he was cleared of the danger, he threw his own throwing knives as they struck around an area where he felt a presence.

"Your senses are indeed sharp to search the shadows, but what happens if I go deeper?" Pablo's voice echoed.

"I'll go even deeper to see you," growled Zhōng as he scanned the trees for movement again.

"Have you seriously gone that deep?" asked Pablo in a different position surprising Zhōng who thought he'd narrow in on his position. "Have you plunged yourself into shadows where no light can be seen? We Assassin are trained to go that deep, those who aren't us don't receive it and they go mad."

"I have," claimed Zhōng. He still searching for where Pablo was hiding as his voice fog his position. While he searched, his memory went to last year when he slaughtered his past selves while dualing Tony. He remembered riding the power and thirst for violence till it was too late to stop. If it hadn't been getting closure with his father and the answer to the riddle, he would have continued down a path with no one by his side.

"That's a cold place, for you to travel that deep, you must have felt lonely." guessed Pablo.

"I did it for the former princess," said Zhōng.

"You did it so you won't feel the pain of loss anymore. You are tired of losing people you've grown attached to. You trained them to fight, but while teaching them to become stronger, you were simply strengthening yourself. You don't care what happens to you as long as they are away and safe." explained Pablo.

"I do it to serve the light in the shadows," argued Zhōng.

"But you're terrified now of that power, aren't you?" said Pablo. Zhōng looked down at his grip and saw his swords shaking. "I'll let you know, Zhōng, I am not a typical Assassin." began Pablo. 

Zhōng looked up and saw something falling on him, he slashed it in two when he realized it was just a big branch. He turned around and saw Pablo appear charging at his exposed side with a hidden blade out. He quickly changed his stance and moved his other sword to cover while the sword he used to slash changed direction. Their blades crashed again as Zhōng used the Old Royal Technique to reset his stance and keep Pablo back. However, it was too late as Pablo wasn't scared of the striking blades and blocked and evaded them. He then tackled Zhōng to the ground while pinning his arms. Zhōng stared at the blade attached to his friend's wrist before it came crashing down. He followed the blade's trajectory as it into the ground near his head.

"Because I don't kill friends, I can't enter the deep shadows," said Pablo as he pulled his blade from the earth. He got off of Zhōng and walked away leaving Zhōng to process what just happened.

Odin woke up in the bed of the chief after a troublesome night. He sighed as he had only today and tomorrow to decide and still felt weak amongst the generals. He got off the bed and grabbed the Viking Axe, knowing he wouldn't be disturbed for a while, he decided to practice it. When he opened the door from his bedroom, he saw Zhen was waiting for him to come out.

"Good morning, chief." greeted Zhen as she stared at the shocked face of Odin.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" asked Odin, stunned and fearing she beat up his guards outside his quarters.

"I learn how to sneak into places from someone. Why am I doing here is to invite you to come with me," said Zhen.

"Where are we going?" asked Odin, curious as to what the former princess was up to.

"To the city," replied Zhen with a smile.

After helping Odin escape from the chief's home, they went into the city to explore. Zhen found places she wanted to see, surprising Odin for some of them. He watched her being happy and excited as they explored the capital.

"Thank you for coming with me," thanked Zhen as they stopped and rested somewhere to eat lunch.

"Thank you for inviting me, but I do want to know why," said Odin.

Zhen was surprised he asked and saw he wanted her true reason. "There are a number of reasons, the first is to try and convince you to become chief. The second is to also convince you to join the caller. The third is to understand why the generals look down on your status." she confessed.

Odin looked down on his food, he suddenly lost his appetite when Zhen gave her the third reason. "It's nothing you or I can do," he declared.

"Why?" pressed Zhen.

"Because farmers from the Viking Empire are looked to be lower than slaves. Our primary income of food comes from raids, if they have bad luck, then it's our food that saves this empire. And if we have a bad season and the raids were awful, then we are to blame for not providing food." explained Odin.

"That's unfair, it's not your fault that it was a bad season," stated Zhen.

"But the generals don't see it that way," said Odin.

"You said farmers are lower than slaves, how is that possible?" asked Zhen.

"Slaves while they may be forced to work and can't speak out sometimes, they are fed and have shelter to sleep and clothes to wear. Farmers can decide to work if we don't value our lives and can speak out, but we barely get food, the shelters we had to build and they're not well built, and the clothes we have to make and mend if they get damaged. Most of our crops and goods go to towns and villages but whatever is left is hardly anything." explained Odin.

"So they take everything from you no matter if it's a good season or bad season. Have you asked to keep more or raised your prices on your goods?" asked Zhen.

Odin chuckled and said, "You think we haven't thought of that? With us being at the bottom, we are picked on and forced to listen. Soldiers and sailors are above all merchants, slaves, and farmers. They're strong and will take everything they want. If we went against them, it's considered rebelling against the chief."

"But now you can become chief and change it," said Zhen.

Odin stopped and hesitated, he was afraid of something that was keeping him to accept. "But I don't want to weaken this empire, even if they're against me, I can not kill them. I'm also afraid that I would end up like Chief Stoick, abusing my power because I can," he said.

Zhen looked at Odin, she could tell he was afraid of being chief and was afraid of her due to her status. She had her answers to her questions but she didn't have one for Odin's yet. As she thought to find the answers, Zhōng rushed into her head. She could see his evolutions from the prince he once was, to the time of the Dual Bladed Ninja and the Shadow, to the Fallen Prince and his broken self. The final image was him recently with his tattoo on his right forehead, his eyes carrying experience and determination, and his mouth once cold and stern returned to smile and express emotions again. This new Zhōng, Zhen realized, was a Zhōng that was different and stronger than any of his past selves.

"I know someone who is afraid as well," began Zhen, Odin looked up at her seeing that she was burdened with something. "Like you, he carries a powerful weapon. My empire chased him down because he was a threat to me. We were afraid that he would try and take the empire back as it promised to be his long ago. But he didn't want it anymore, he wanted me to sit on that throne but I can't. My people are crying for his help, I am crying for him to help. When this is all over, I want him to take the throne because he's destined to sit on it."

"Why do you think he'll accept?" asked Odin.

"Because like you, he heard his people's cries. Like you, he wants to help them because they're suffering. And like you, he fears of abusing the power that he has." said Zhen. Odin turned away and looked down at his feet. "While I see now why many of your generals disagree with you becoming their chief, there's one that will fight to protect you from them." 

"But she's the second in command, the highest below the chief, why should she listen to me? I'm weak, I turned my back to her, she isn't afraid and I am," said Odin.

"What makes you think she isn't afraid? I just met her and I see a lot of similar things. She's loyal to this empire and she's afraid of its collapse. She can take the power but refuses because the Viking Axe chose you. She follows because she swore to and while you're weak, she'll be defense till you're strong." said Zhen. Odin pondered on Zhen's words, but before he could speak, her friends came rushing towards them.

"There you are, princess," gasped Cortana as the girls caught their breath.

"What's going on?" asked Zhen seeing they came with urgency.

"Battle… in the great hall… General Alice is fighting… against the generals." gasped Pina.

Odin, Zhen, and the girls rush back to the great hall, when they arrive they saw Alice surrounded and outnumbered. However, it didn't matter as she had both her axes drawn and sparring against attacks before giving her own. Not all the generals fought as most watched the battle ensue. They cheered for their brothers who challenged Alice and booed her when she killed them.

"What happened?" Zhen asked Tony when they found the boys were watching as well.

"The generals requested General Alice's presence. Even though we have one more day, they're impatient. They told Alice to fight Odin for the rights of the Viking Axe and be their chief. However, when Alice refused, they challenged her to a Dance of Blood." recapped Tony.

Zhen looked at Odin who was shocked as he heard Tony's explanation. "Do you know what's the Dance of Blood?" she asked.

Odin nodded and said, "A dual that is one versus many, at the beginning it's one at a time. Then it picks up after a few deaths and soon all your opponents are attacking you." 

"How many singles actually survive when there's this many?" asked John, he was doing some numbers in his head and calculated the odds.

"For this size, zero," said Odin.

"She'll be the first," stated Tony and the others looked at him confused. "She's a fighter and has the same determination as Zhōng."

Alice breathed forcefully before eight generals rushed at her. She was getting tired but the adrenaline kept her focused and quick. Her axes moved with force plowing generals back and slashing them with ease. She truly was strong and vicious and someone to fear. She glanced beyond the generals and saw Emperor Zhēngfú watching. She knew he was involved as the generals wouldn't dare challenge her without some sort of incentive. Suddenly, a general surprised her causing her to lose her balance and momentum.

The generals pounced on Alice before she could recover. She struggled as she fended them off but it was inevitable. "Stop," whimpered Odin as he watched the generals attack her.

"The only way to save her, is for you to take your destiny as a chief," said Zhen.

"That's enough," stated Odin but the generals didn't hear him. Their assault continued as one of Alice's axes broke and was forced to take cover behind a shield. "Please, stop this now!" shouted Odin. Some of the generals who were watching heard him and looked at him with curiosity. However, the generals fighting didn't hear him as they broke and pulled Alice's shield away and prepared for the final blow. "I SAID ENOUGH!!!" bellowed Odin and the room fell silent.

The generals who were fighting stopped and turned to look who spoke. They were surprised to see Odin as his face looked angry at them. Alice stood up, shocked and relieved that Odin stopped them. "What makes you think you can interrupt this?" questioned a general.

"We have bigger things to deal with than killing each other," said Odin. He was disgusted that the great hall was covered in blood and bodies of Alice's kills.

"Oh, so you finally notice." sneered another general.

"Typical farmer, realizing their errors and ways." jeered a third.

"Give up the Viking Axe and we'll let you go free and alive." demanded the first general.

Odin clutched the Viking Axe, he remembered when it appeared in front of him. It shocked him that it appeared and fastened to him. He was scared as he knew what it meant and his fears became true when he was found. However, after meeting Alice who was loyal to him, and Zhen who helped him see it differently, he felt brave and strong like one of the generals. "No, I will keep the Viking Axe and I'll become this empire's chief." he declared.

"Then I and those beneath me don't accept you until you defeat me." stated the general. He adjusted his grip on his axe and the generals cleared away so he could march at Odin.

"Your battle is with me, have you forgotten you're third in command behind me?" stated Alice. She got up although mildly injured and bruised, she carried her other axe with determination to continue.

"You're exhausted and beaten, I also looked into Chief Stoick's files and discovered you were his slave once. I don't take orders or follow those above me who are slaves." said the general. 

Odin looked up at the general as he towered over him, he could see he was rested and experienced fighter. He gulped as he knew he didn't stand a chance against such a powerful foe. "Use me, I have the power to make all of them coward." spoke the Viking Axe to Odin.

Odin was surprised to hear the voice as he looked at the black blade. As the general raised his axe above his head, Odin grabbed and activated an arm of the Viking Mech. He pointed, aimed, and fired at the general, launching him backwards with a killing blow. The other generals looked at their fallen leader in fear, they turned to look at Odin just as the arm of the Viking Mech activated. "He cheated!" accused a general.

"The rules of combat weren't discussed before the battle. Surely you Vikings understand without discussing that, everything is free to use," said King Alexios as he watched the battle with Lord Tyron and Wēi. 

The Vikings nodded in agreement and guilt before one spoke up. "Then I would like to challenge him."

"You're going have to get through me first," growled Alice and the generals' confidences shrink. Though they know Alice's true identity and her background, she has built a reputation for being a very strong warrior.

Odin looked at Alice glad to see she was willing to fight for him. He turned and looked at King Alexios who approached him. "Do you honestly want to become the chief?" asked King Alexios.

Odin nodded and said, "Call the priest, tell the people, tomorrow I will take my place as chief." The generals nodded and silently left the great hall as their rebellion ended as quickly as it began.

Zhōng was looking at a document of everything reported to happen in the Ninja Empire. He had been looking at it for a while, reading the same reports repeated till he could memorize and imagine the horrors known to be true. He closed his eyes as he regretted failing to stop his brother a couple of times before. When he opened his eyes, he saw his hands were shaking, a habit he had developed after his battle with Pablo. He then saw a hand of his sister gripping his to calm his nerves down.

"Everything is going to be alright, you know that," said Xing as Zhōng looked up at her.

"But how would I know this is the only way?" asked Zhōng.

"Not everyone can hide in the dark, brother," said Hannah. Zhōng looked at his half-sister, he told them what he decided, and although torn like he was, they accepted his decision.

Pablo opened the door to the council room as the three Ninjas looked at him. His cowl was up and his mouth stern as he stared at Zhōng whose face was exposed. "It's time," he said.

Zhōng nodded and led his sisters inside and Pablo closed the doors. He looked up to see the seven mentors of the Assassin Empire with their cowls up staring at them once they entered. He felt overwhelmed and on trial, as he walked to the center of the towering podiums. "State who you are," demanded the mentor of the Assassins in the Medieval Empire.

"I am Zhōng, son of Emperor Huo, wielder of the Ninja Sword, known throughout the Ninja Empire as the Dual Bladed Ninja, the Shadow, the Fallen Prince, and now as the Risen King. I come as the one who activated the call to hear your answer if you'll join me or stay out of the war that's coming," stated Zhōng.

"We've heard about you, General Zhōng, you're also the lord for the fiefdoms of the Old Ninja Empire." stated the mentor for the Assassins in the Spartan Empire.

"I was once, but I'm sure that union has been destroyed along with the new," said Zhōng.

"Might I ask why should we send our men into your war?" asked the mentor for the Assassins in the Viking Empire.

"I'm sure you hear the cries that I've just recently heard. The cries of mercy, forgiveness, and pain. They all are effects of what Emperor Zhēngfú is doing to the people of the Ninja Empire. And I'm sure he's stopping at mine, he's going after yours. Are you willing to hide here, hearing them, but refusing to make a move?" said Zhōng.

"Like you have any right to say that, you've been hiding since the end of your empire's civil war. No one can find you so they turned to someone they could see." said the Mentor Kai.

"That's true and maybe more, I've hidden where not even you could find me. I had to go deep to change myself to survive. And as I went deeper, the chains that I bound myself to began to choke me. Last year, I went somewhere deep where no light could see and I felt rage and pain flowing through me. A place I'm sure most of you Assassins are terrified to plunge cause you know there's no going back. I was lucky to get out and now I'm swimming back to the surface, back into the light." said Zhōng.

"So what will you do if you win this war?" asked Mentor Altaïr.

Zhōng took a couple of breaths and turned to look at his sisters and friend. Their cowls were up and his sisters nodded while he gave a small smile. "I will take what is rightfully mine, a throne that was promised to me by my father. I swear long ago that I'll sit on that throne and after forsaking that idea so long, I have a chance to make it a reality. The Ninja Empire needs their hero to be in the light and the shadows need someone to fear. I will finally stop hiding from destiny, it's time I face it." he said as his blue eyes glowed like he was ready for a fight. Demons shaped like a dragon circle his pupils and something powerful lay dormant but conscious to be realised.

"And will you be as bad as your brother and father?" questioned the mentor of the Assassins in the Indian Empire.

"Rest assured I'll leave the Assassins alone and we'll live in peace," promised Zhōng.

Grand Mentor Altaïr looked at his fellow mentors, they either nodded or shook their heads at him. Some were immediate while others took a while to ponder. After counting the final numbers of those who nodded and shook, he sighed realizing the result. "We appreciate you coming to see us, we are honored to hear you say you'll become the king. But I regret to inform you, that we decided to stay out of the conflict," he said.

Zhōng nodded and bowed his head. "Thank you for your time," he said before standing up. He walked away leaving from the door he entered with his sisters following him.

The great hall was packed as Vikings came to see their new chief. As the horns blasted outside and throughout the great hall, an old woman appeared behind the throne and approached Odin.

Odin gulped as he saw the priest approaching him, he bent a kneel and lowered his head as the priest was close. "Before I can declare you our chief, I asked King Alexios of the Spartan Empire to speak the three vows." stated the priest.

King Alexios nodded and joined her as Odin looked up at the Spartan King. "The three vows are the first vows our ancestors swore to follow when they first settled. They are sacred and any vows before and after that contradict them are inferior. Without further ado, Odin son of Raud, do you swear to fight with the strong to protect the weak?" he said.

"I do," stated Odin.

"Do you swear if called upon, you will join the caller or stay out of the conflict?" questioned King Alexios.

"I will," sweared Odin.

"And finally, do you swear to be honorable and loyal to the empire you're a part of?" asked King Alexios.

"I shall," promised Odin.

"Then I, King Alexios, king of the Spartan Empire, wielder of the Spartan Sword, recognize you as the wielder of the Viking Axe." proclaimed King Alexios.

The priest approached Odin, with charcoal on her thumb, she smeared a mark on the center of his forehead. "May the gods watch over your reign," she said.

Odin stood up and he looked at Alice before giving her a nod. "OUR NEW CHIEF!!!" she bellowed. 

The horns blared a long violent sound as Chief Odin approached the throne and sat down. He looked at his people who were shocked by what he looked like and some disapproved. He turned to Alice who joined by his side and she smiled. "What's the first order that seeks my attention first?" he asked her.

"Emperor Zhēngfú! Please come forward!" shouted Alice.

Emperor Zhēngfú, Lord Sensou, and Xiōngshǒu approached the throne. The Vikings glared with hatred as they marched arrogantly towards their new chief. Emperor Zhēngfú nodded his head while his companions bowed slightly. "Chief Odin, now wielder of the Viking Axe and chief of the Viking Empire. I congratulate you for such a day and am honored to speak with you first." praised Emperor Zhēngfú.

Chief Odin looked at Alice, he was terrified that his first order as chief would be for a foreign problem. Alice seeing her chief's timid eyes behind the face of hope, grinned at him before speaking. "Emperor Zhēngfú, you come here to claim a bounty or our pledge to you. Am I correct?"

"Indeed, and I'm sure Chief Odin you're aware of your military's forces since you attended a couple of meetings. You know more of your people will die if you don't accept, I have Ninjas on your ships and invaded your lands with ease. Considering your previous chief failed to capture my brother, it's only reasonable to fulfill the promise he made to me before the call was activated. I promise that if you join me, no more lands I will conquer will come from your empire." said Emperor Zhēngfú.

All Vikings were now looking at their chief as he pondered his options. He tended the meetings though he believed he didn't belong. "King Alexios, do you Spartans fear death when back into a corner?" he asked softly.

"There's a legend that a Spartan King with three hundred men stopped a massive force from entering the Spartan Empire. That day was a day we Spartans had our courage challenge us. Because against the odds, we pushed the invaders back long enough for a massive force of Spartans to be assembled. According to legend on the three hundredth day of the year, all but the king was left alive when the massive Spartan force attacked and forced the foreigners to retreat out of our lands. We now call that day, the day of the Spartans." told King Alexios. "Fear I'm sure was felt but not shown that day. As such, we teach our men to have no fear of death on a battlefield."

Chief Odin nodded and looked at his people who were shocked by the story. "If our greatest rivals at sea do not fear death, why should we?" he asked. Everyone including Alice looked at him confused and curious. "General Alice, the majority of our forces are here, correct?" he asked as he looked back at Alice.

"Yes, my chief," replied Alice, suddenly she realized what he was planning.

"Emperor Zhēngfú, as you witness, I swear to never break three vows. Even if this deal was made before the call, all past and future vows must not contradict the last three I made. And as such, you forced my hand by creating an enemy. Your men burned towns and homes as they invaded. We begged for men who never came, but now they will. I'm sure some of my men have families in the towns you conquer, I can see that they imagine what you did to them. The Viking Empire will join the war, but we will fight for the Risen King, wielder of the Ninja Swords, your brother, Lord Zhōng." declared Chief Odin. The Vikings were shocked by their chief's declaration, most did have people they cared about west of the capital and others were worried for those yet to be conquered.

"Sure most of your troops are here, but what happens to the ones on the ships? Can they kill one Ninja faster before they die? And what happens after you send all your soldiers to stop my advance? Who's going to be left when the time comes?" questioned Emperor Zhēngfú.

Chief Odin looked at General Alice as he didn't have an answer. Fortunately for him, he could see his second-in-command had a plan. "We'll inform all ships to kill any Ninja onboard. While you help us at sea, you became in command of our ships. For the invaders on land, if you accept this proposal, my chief and King Alexios, we'll have the Spartans help us defend our lands." she declared. Chief Odin nodded in agreement and King Alexios bowed slightly to the idea.

"I OBJECT!!!" bellowed a Viking general and he approached the throne. "General Alice, though you may not be from here, you were taught our ways. I understand our chief doesn't want to lose more people, but we should protect our people like those three hundred Spartans did to theirs. This is our people and we Vikings are always thirsty for violence." he stated. There was a murmur of agreement amongst the other generals behind him.

"If you believe we have the courage to do this, general, then make plans and present them to General Alice and me as quickly as possible," ordered Chief Odin. The general looked at his new chief, although he was stronger than the chief, he respected the view his new chief wanted to follow as it was different than the last chief.

"Yes, my chief," stated the general, he patted his left shoulder while kneeling down. Then he hurried away along with a few others who liked his idea.

"Is there anything else you wish to speak with me?" asked Chief Odin to Emperor Zhēngfú.

"It seems, I'm not welcome here," sighed Emperor Zhēngfú.

"I'll give you a safe passage back to the Ninja Empire since you came all this way. But if I were you, I would pull your men back. I am told a single rampage Viking can kill ten Ninjas with one swing." stated Chief Odin.

"You're still too new to threaten me," said Emperor Zhēngfú. He turned away as his companions followed him out of the great hall.

The generals looked at their chief shocked he did that, Chief Odin sighed as he was caught in the moment. "That was amazing," whispered General Alice. Chief Odin smiled, he was glad she stayed by his side.

"Chief Odin," called out one of two Vikings as they approached the throne with cowls over their heads. 

"Our mentor sends his congratulations." said the other Viking as they knelt down.

"Assassins," muttered Tony just loud enough for his friends, the Ninja lords, Zhen, Wēi, and King Alexios to hear.

"What are they doing here?" whispered Zhen.

"Your mentor? I assume you are Assassins that live in our empire?" questioned Alice. She got tensed and stepped forward in front of Chief Odin.

"Indeed, General Alice, we come to tell you where the Risen King was sent to." said the first Assassin.

"I take it he went to the Assassin Empire," said Lord Tyron.

"Our grand mentor requested him to come. With luck, he has finished his negotiations with the council of mentors. We recommend if you intend to travel to go after him, we recommend to head to the Assassin Empire." said the second Assassin.

"We should go to the next place he'll be going," stated King Alexios.

"But where would that be?" asked Chief Odin. "When finding someone lost, look for the bread crumbs and do not anticipate a path." King Alexios nodded as he was impressed with the young chief's wisdom.

Zhōng was finishing packing his bags when he felt a familiar presence. "Come to see me off?" he asked.

"Came to inform you it's time," said Pablo, he was standing in the doorway when Zhōng turned around. In his hands was the old ball they used to play with back in the Ninja Empire.

Zhōng grinned and took the ball from his old friend's hands. He then reached out and pulled down Pablo's cowl to see tears forming in his eyes. "This isn't goodbye, this is till next time," he said. He packed the ball in his bag and threw it over his shoulders. When he turned around, Pablo had already pulled his cowl back up and held the door open.

Zhōng soon joined Xing and Hannah and they followed Pablo out of the synagogue and to the coastline. They saw Grand Mentor Altaïr waiting for them along with two canoes packed with supplies for their journey. When they approached him, the three Ninjas bowed their heads in appreciation. "It's an honor to meet the great ghost of the Ninja Empire," said Mentor Altaïr.

"The honor was mine, though I respect your wish, I was hoping for the opposite," said Zhōng.

"Well, let me inform you that the Assassin Empire will stand behind you, Lord Zhōng," said Mentor Altaïr. Zhōng turned to look at the mentor confused till he saw there was more. "In case there's spies amongst us, we tell the public what we'll do. But in private, the vote was in your favor five to two." he finished.

Zhōng was stunned by the news, he couldn't believe what was told to him. "Thank you, grand mentor, but can I ask what made you decide to join?" he said.

"I'm sure King Alexios has informed you that there could be trials to challenge you. Your trial was against Pablo, I left my decision to him and he challenged you in where you stand. He gave us a report privately before we saw you. What he said, we saw by how you speak. You're truly a master in hiding both in the light and the darkness." explained Mentor Altaïr.

"The grey zone where a few have entered," said Zhōng. He turned to look at Pablo, though his cowl was up, Zhōng could see him guilty for what was done. "Thank you, my old friend." 

"It was nothing, your majesty," said Pablo. Zhōng was about to protest before Pablo's hand came up to silence him. "I'm glad we are still good friends after all we've been through, Zhōng." 

Zhōng nodded in agreement then turned to look at Grand Mentor Altaïr. "Where would you go now?" asked Mentor Altaïr.

"My other uncle is most likely going to force a massive debt for his soldiers. I would like to gather more men so I can give a rough estimate when we go to the Eygtian Empire," said Zhōng.

"Then I suggest you follow the coastline till you reach the river. Then take it all the way to the Medival Empire's capital city. If you go to the Indian Empire first, you'll be wasting your time in finding them. Also if you find the Indians, they'll most likely treat you more hostile than then should be. The Medival Empire also has the best connections with the Indian Empire. You convinced King James to join you, you'll most likely be able to get the Indians to join as well." said Mentor Altaïr.

"Sounds easy, but I'm sure it won't be," said Zhōng.

"Before you go, there's someone that wants to join you and he'll help you negotiate and strategize men needed to win," said Mentor Altaïr.

Zhōng grinned and turned around to see a cloaked man with a Roktavor-type khopesh on his left hip approaching them. "Decided to leave the cave as well?" he asked.

"I heard your call, I want to help if you let me," said Huo. He turned to see his daughters as they stared in shock when he removed his cowl. They both had barely any good memories of him as he grinned at them. "Xing, look how much you've grown, you're as skillful as Zhōng in his surroundings. And Hannah, you've developed well too, I am sorry about Lord Guǐ and Lady Yurei. Though not related by blood, they were your real parents."

Xing and Hannah suddenly sprinted to their father and hugged him. Their reactions surprised both Huo and Zhōng but they were glad what they were expecting didn't happen. "Father, it really is you," cried Xing.

"Father, why didn't you come for us?" cried Hannah.

"I'll tell you when we make camp," promised Huo. He looked up at Zhōng and he nodded as it was time to depart.

"Mentor, with your permission, I would like to travel with the Risen King to the Medival Empire. I know the lands from our sources, I can provide an extra body to take watch at nights, and I'm sure the Risen King wants a rematch," spoke Pablo.

"No trees this time," chuckled Zhōng.

"Very well, when you get to the Medieval Empire, make contact with our Assassins living there," said Mentor Altaïr.

"Yes, mentor," acknowledged Pablo. Zhōng grinned and the two boys took one canoe while Huo, Xing, and Hannah took the other one. They began rowing west along the coastline to head to the Medival Empire.