The Journey of Emperor Huo - Part 1

A Viking ship was sailing fastly over the waves, its bow rocked up and down as it went its top speed to get to the Assassin Empire. While the Vikings were used to their ship's movement and speed, a certain Ninja was puking over the side. "You're a captain of a Spartan ship and you're not used to the rocking of a ship?" questioned Alice as she approached the Ninja.

"Spartan ships are bigger and don't rock this hard against the waves," groaned Tony, his face was white turning green before he gasped over the side again.

"Who knew the great Poisoner's weakness is seasickness," mocked Lord Zào, he was with Zhen as they watched Tony's face turn green again before heaving over the side.

"Give me a couple of days and I'll be back to normal," warned Tony. His feet gave and he collapsed on the deck sitting up and breathing hard. There was nothing left to puke and he was painfully in discomfort.

Alice hid a smile and went to the bridge where Chief Odin, King Alexios, Wēi, and Lord Tyron were looking out on the deck. "How are you feeling, my chief? I understand this is your first time out on the sea," she said to Chief Odin.

"I feel fine, I'm surprised I'm not puking like that Ninja," said Chief Odin, they watched as Jack and John helped Tony to his feet and carried him below deck.

"Our empires' ships are designed differently, it took him a while to get used to my ships on the sea as well. Although I'm surprised how much punishment this vessel can take at this speed," said King Alexios.

"We built our ships to be fast no matter what the seas sent to us. We also kept in mind that these needed to be small so we can pillage along the rivers. I'm sure you despise us when we do it." said Alice.

"I must admit, it's annoying to hear you slip in and out of our hands with ease," confessed King Alexios.

"Sounds like someone we know," stated Wēi.

"My nephew isn't the only one, your majesty, would you mind telling me how you let my brother go?" said Lord Tyron.

"I released him," replied Wēi.

"You released him?" asked Zhen as she, Lord Zào, and her friends joined them on the bridge when Lord Tyron asked.

"There were guidelines he must follow," said Wēi.

"Like what?" questioned Lord Tyron.

Wēi sighed and looked at the lord, he was perhaps the last trusted advisor she had. "Would you mind telling me the contents in that journal he carries?" she asked.

"It's nothing you have to worry about," stated Lord Tyron and they were at a stalemate.

"How about this? Former Empress Wēi, I understand your curiosity but the secrets they keep are secrets that can be hard to bear. How about you tell us what happened to let you decide to spare him and I'll tell you what he's been up to in my empire." compromised King Alexios.

Wēi sighed, she didn't like the idea but knew the Spartan King was right. "Very well, I'll tell you." she agreed.

Huo moaned after taking another bite of food Xing and Hannah had made. They traveled for two weeks and were halfway to the Medival Empire. "I have to admit, this is the best food I ever had," he groaned taking another bite.

"Well it's a good thing otherwise we'll be stuck with Zhōng's terrible cooking." giggled Hannah as she watched her father enjoying himself.

"I'm getting better," grumbled Zhōng.

"Sorry, but I'll have to agree with her. However, it's not the worst cooking I have but it's still below average." chuckled Pablo. He grinned wider as Zhōng gave him a look of annoyance.

"You have indeed greatly approved, brother, you no longer overcook or undercook the meat. Now you need to work on spices not found nearby," said Xing.

Zhōng turned to look at Xing and smiled at his sister. "It's true I can't cook, but I can fight to protect you. That's how we both survived," he said.

"She isn't the only one who can cook that you protected. You protected Former Princess Zhen as well and I still think you should make her your queen," said Hannah.

Huo coughed on his drink and everyone looked at him confused except for Zhōng. Huo grinned and said, "Even though you, my children, are great friends with the former princess, there are canyons to cross that are too far apart. For example, Zhōng will be dealing with mending a massive wound that scarred the Ninja Empire recently. Former Princess Zhen will return to being a lady and be a present figure in his court since she'll be the voice of the New. She is also already promised to someone and she cannot refuse. However, if she could marry Zhōng instead, the New might look at it as a forced marriage to try and bind the empires together. Believe me, before I married, my father was looking for me to marry Former Empress Wēi."

"Well that would make things tense in the household since another reason is your family's histories," said Pablo.

"How come it didn't work? I remember our grandfather being good friends with their family. Shouldn't they arrange a promise of marriage?" said Zhōng.

"While their time was the most peaceful the Ninja Empire had, history is why it didn't happen and Former Empress Wēi hastily got married when she came of age. Her father didn't want to force it and wanted her to follow her heart. My father respected his wish and after her wedding, I went to get married afterwards. Besides if I married her instead, I wouldn't have you three." said Huo.

"I guess there's a benefit that it didn't work," said Xing.

"Uhm, father," began Hannah, everyone turned to look at her seeing she was troubled with something. "If you were alive this entire time, why didn't you come back for us?"

Huo sighed and leaned forward, he folded his hands as he looked at his two daughters. He then looked at Zhōng who nodded knowing what he was thinking. "There hadn't been a day where I regretted leaving you all behind. I told Zhōng much of my journey but I think I should finish it as well as tell you two."

"I'll go get more wood, we're going to need it and I already heard the first half," said Zhōng and he got up to get some firewood.

Xing, Hannah, and Pablo leaned closer as Huo gathered his thoughts to speak. "Let's start where you, Xing, last saw me. I was still in the throne room when a bomb struck it, Lady Wēi stormed in to see me sitting on the throne with a black sword. She knew it wasn't the Ninja Sword and locked me in the palace cells till she could find where Zhōng went to hide."

A couple of months passed since the battle for the capital had ended to end the eight-year-long civil war. Emperor Huo sat in a cell, it was one of few that survived the bombing strikes. He can still smell the burnt bodies of prisoners, some of whom were Assassins and others were criminals. He sat patiently in the cell smiling as he heard no news of his son. With every day of no news, he felt confident that Lady Wēi would come and visit him. His patience soon paid off as he heard a door opening and steps of a lady approaching. He looked up to see the lady wearing too rich of a dress for her status.

"I figure you were going to take the throne, after all, you led the rebellion," stated Emperor Huo.

"Where is he?" growled Lady Wēi.

"You're not going to find him, he's good at hiding and disappearing," said Emperor Huo.

"But you sent you're children somewhere, I had one of your guards interrogated and he overheard what you said to them. We tried to match the people with the same description as their clothing but haven't been successful," said Lady Wēi.

"And you're hoping I will cooperate." assumed Emperor Huo.

"Shouldn't it be the father's responsibility to take care of his children and protect them from dangers?" questioned Lady Wēi.

"Zhōng isn't a child anymore, the fact that you're still looking is proof. And Xing has never been my daughter, I could never bear myself to be around her. Zhōng is her protector, and he'll move if he feels threaten." declared Emperor Huo.

"So his weakness, his sister," concluded Lady Wēi.

"If you want us to no longer be threatening, allow me to find my children. We'll then go to a village near the ruins of Daiichi City. You can send someone to observe us every month if that pleases you but we'll just be farmers." offered Emperor Huo.

"And what will happen to the Ninja Sword?" asked Lady Wēi.

"It will be in Zhōng's hands still, I named him my heir, not your daughter," stated Emperor Huo.

Lady Wēi could tell Emperor Huo had this planned for months while staying in prison and even longer. Something told her to not accept the proposal as she quickly thought of her options. "Speaking of my daughter, you tortured her badly." she began when an idea came to her.

"She's still pure, I made sure of that," stated Emperor Huo.

"But don't think that means I'll forgive you, quite the opposite. When I find your son, he'll receive ten times the pain you laid on my daughter. I won't let you go live in peace, I want you to see the pain you caused on your people." said Lady Wēi.

"So what are going to do to me? I won't scream as you tortured me, I won't speak if you let me rot, and I won't show you the place where I sent my children," stated Emperor Huo. He looked at Lady Wēi's eyes, curious about what she planned to do to him.

"I'll let you watch," began Lady Wēi, she saw Emperor Huo shooting an eyebrow up in confusion. "I'll let you see your son struggling to avoid me, I will press hard to find him. And when I do, he'll sacrifice the Ninja Sword and die."

"Good luck finding him, ask the guards how hard it was to keep an eye on him in the palace. Or did you kill them all?" chuckled Emperor Huo.

"I kept some after deep interrogations and they have sworn loyalty to me," said Lady Wēi.

"So I assume you're keeping me in here till you have my son," concluded Emperor Huo.

"No, you have too many informants that can deliver your messages. I'll let you watch in a different empire. But it won't be shown as exile, just a way for me not to worry about you." said Lady Wēi.

"You're going to fake execution and expect me to live in peace from a different empire?" growled Emperor Huo.

"Unless you want your son to suffer more when I find him, then take this route and leave," said Lady Wēi. Emperor Huo sighed, he knew what this would do to Zhōng as it would set him down a dark path completely. Little did he know, he was partly right.

Huo set off from the capital on the last day of the year, it was his son's thirteenth birthday as news of Emperor Huo's 'execution' was announced as well. "Happy birthday," he said when he looked back at the broken walls of the capital. He then set out, following the merchant's path till he reached Port Dake. He carried a small bag and the black valtryek sword he had when he surrendered. He then boarded a boat and it sailed to the Spartan Empire to begin his new life.

When Huo arrived at the Spartan Empire's capital city, he was in awe at how different it was compared to the capital of the Ninja Empire. He saw white massive pillars standing over main roads, bracing the beams for important buildings, and indicating he was in the lands of the Spartan Empire. He followed a small group of Ninjas that traveled with him as they left the pier. They were soon escorted by Spartan guards as they took them outside of the city's walls where a settlement of other Ninjas made camp. Huo was surprised at how many there were who fled during the war. He soon found a spot by the wall and nestled down to sleep.

"Hey, old man, what are you doing?" demanded someone.

Huo slowly opened his eyes, he noticed the sun barely moved indicating he hadn't slept for long. He looked at who spoke to him and saw a boy no older than eighteen he could guessed. "What does it look like?" he asked as he wiggled to get comfortable.

"That's Xia's spot, you can't lie there." stated another boy.

"There's plenty of space everywhere, can't you let me rest here?" asked Huo.

"Listen, old man," stated the first boy. He grabbed Huo but it was a mistake as Huo sprang to his feet and drew his katana.

Huo pressed his blade to the boy's throat while he stared into his eyes. He also held him by his shirt, pulling him closer to him. "I assume you're Xia," he growled. Xia nodded his head as he looked into Huo's eyes and saw anger and fear.

"Let go of him," demanded the second boy, but he froze when Huo stared at him next. The boys were at his mercy as they didn't believe Huo was strong.

"You! Release him!" shouted a Spartan guard as he and three others approached them.

Huo did what was told, he let go and Xia stepped back gasping for air. "He threatened to kill me." Xia accused.

"You're coming with us to see our king, Ninja." stated the Spartan guard.

"I refuse," stated Huo, he didn't want to interact with the Spartan King.

"You have no choice," growled the guard. His companions disarmed Huo and dragged him away. Though he resisted at first, it was futile.

Huo was taken to the Spartan Palace before going to the king's study room where he waited. He looked at the scrolls on the shelf, even though he couldn't read the Spartan's language, he could guess some were war strategies. The door opened and King Alexios entered as he stared at Huo who had his cowl up. "I assume you're new since the guards have claimed never seeing you till now." stated the King.

"Indeed, your majesty, I apologize for involving your men," said Huo.

"I'll let you know that I allow your kind to live just outside my walls till you can afford homes, but that means you're supposed to be civil and not kill anyone. Otherwise, I will force your kind out of my empire. Do I make myself clear?" said King Alexios.

"Indeed, it won't happen again," promised Huo.

"Very good, now can I have your name for my records?" said King Alexios as he took a quill and paper to write.

"I prefer I don't give you that," declined Huo.

"Then how about your facial traits?" offered King Alexios.

"I prefer not to show that either," stated Huo.

King Alexios sighed and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Then give me both," he demanded.

Huo groaned, he then didn't want to give either one but was now forced to give both. Knowing better than to refuse, he pulled his cowl down to reveal his blonde hair and blue eyes. He saw the king's eyes widen as he recognized him. "I trust you understand why I refuse, your majesty," he said.

"How? You're supposed to be dead." gasped King Alexios in surprise.

"My kind is hard to kill," stated Huo.

"Then if you're alive, why did you go to the wall? You could have come here and claim sanctuary," said King Alexios.

"I made a deal with the empress, I can keep my life if I go into exile and never be heard of again. If I came here, you're obliged to announce I am here and claim sanctuary which will be informed to all the empires," replied Huo.

"So you've chosen to hide amongst the people that fled from you and be declared dead then claim sanctuary and perhaps activate the call?" questioned King Alexios.

"My son has the Ninja Sword, he'll be the one now to activate the call," said Huo.

King Alexios nodded and leaned forward to write on the paper. "Very well, Mr. Chen, I will overlook this incident but don't make this happen again. Also if you need anything, I'll be happy to help," he said when he finished.

"Thank you, your majesty," said Huo, he bowed and left King Alexios's study to return to the wall.

Huo returned back to the wall and back to the spot where he nestled down earlier. He discover his bag was raided and his sword was snapped in half. He could guess who did this and sighed as he sat back down. He had a long day and journey and wanted to get some sleep.

"Uhm, excuse me," said a young girl's voice, waking Huo up. When he opened his eyes and lifted his head, he saw she was around ten years old with brown hair and blue eyes. He was surprised to see her as images of Yah and Zhōng flashed in his mind depending where he looked. "Would you like to join us? We have food but it isn't much." asked the girl.

Huo finally came back to reality as he looked beyond the girl to see her mother looking at them. She was old like him but appeared to be kind and welcoming. "Very well," agreed Huo after sensing no danger. The young girl grinned big and escorted Huo to their spot where their mother finished preparing a loft of bread for three of them.

"That was very bold of you to stand up against those boys." stated the woman as she gave Huo his portion.

"Well I was in no mood to compromise or move," said Huo. He thanked her for the bread and started to eat with them.

"They unfortunately have been here the longest and have appointed themselves as the leaders," explained Huo.

"Why has no one stood up against them?" asked Huo.

"Look around you, most of us are barely surviving while others are too old to. The civil war is to be blamed for all of this. Our way of life was destroyed by two rival houses fighting against each other." said the woman as Huo looked around.

"But the war is over, why not go back?" asked Huo.

"What shall we find if we returned? Burns and cuts take a long time to heal. The Ninja Empire while the fighting has ceased, there is too much destruction laid across the lands. I don't feel safe with my girl living there." replied the woman.

Huo looked at the young girl, though she was alive, she was poorly fed and thin. "So you rather live on a life of starving so you don't see the visual pain?" argued Huo.

"I'm sure it's easy for you since you're a soldier, but I can't bear to go back knowing it's a different empire." said the woman. Huo sighed knowing she was right, the Ninja Empire was no longer the same one he once ruled. "So why are you here?" asked the woman.

Huo sighed, he wasn't sure which side she mostly supported during the war and was afraid to tell her the truth. "I failed, I couldn't save the emperor or his son. My punishment for not bending the knee to Empress Wēi is banishment." he finally said.

"I understand your commitment and loyalty, but you threw away your life by refusing." said the woman.

"As long as the former prince is still alive, I am loyal till death." declared Huo.

The woman giggled, causing her daughter and Huo to be confused. "You remind me of my late husband, he trusted the now-former prince and said the empire's future is bright as long as he is alive." she snickered.

Huo grinned and looked down at the last bit of his bread, it wasn't enough to satisfy him and he could see they were starving. "Is there any way to get more than this?" he asked.

"Begging is hard, some of the young girls prostitute themselves for more, and most of the men and boys go to become gladiators. I wish there was a better way to receive money." explained the woman. Huo nodded as he gave the last bit of his bread to the girl who he could see was hungry. The woman grinned and asked, "What's your name?"

"Chen, my name is Chen," lied Huo.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Jing and this is my daughter, Jiaxin. If you want, we can give you our portion of food if you don't want to fight anymore," said Jing.

Huo nodded and pondered before an idea came to him. "I don't indulge myself in fighting for sport. However, I will fight to protect. Besides, I think I know someone here to help us earn a consistent income." he said with a smile.

"You want me to allow your kind to work at the docks?" questioned King Alexios the next day when Huo approached him.

"Yes, it's the only safe job I can think of for my kind." said Huo. He watch the king lean back on his chair, groaning to find comfort.

"And I assume that you want me to paid them," guessed King Alexios, he was puzzled as to why Huo asked.

"Yes, you can pay us cheeper then the miniman wage. As long as we have money to buy food and proper clothing, I'm sure there'll be no complaints." reasoned Huo.

"Perhaps, but why do you care? I still don't understand why you live with people that have fled from you." questioned King Alexios.

"They didn't just flee from me, they also fled from her since they haven't return home," said Huo.

"And so you believe they are going to stay and become citizens in my empire," assumed King Alexios as he stood up and looked outside of his study room.

"My people will work hard and I'm sure they'll understand your written language quickly." promised Huo.

King Alexios sighed and shook his head. "They're allow to work at the docks, they'll be paid one bronze Spartan coin each day, and if they don't work then they don't get paid." he declared.

"Thank you, your majesty," praised Huo as he bowed before leaving the king's presence.

"Huo," called King Alexios just before the door open, stopping Huo. He turned to face the king as he turned to look at him. "Whoever you're doing this for, they better know who you are." he warned.

"As long as a bronze coin can buy food for us, she won't question as to who I am." stated Huo before leaving.

A couple days later, Huo and twenty Ninjas came to the docks to work. Even though they were cheep labor, they worked hard on loading and unloading ships, build and repair ships, and helped load cargo onto carts or store them in warehouses. It was relentless work but it was notice as some got paid more from the dock manager. When they finish for the day, they headed back to the wall, Huo bought food for he, Jing and Jiaxin to share.

"Hmm, thank you Mr. Chen," moaned Jiaxin as she inhaled her share of bread.

"Jiaxin, pace yourself, no one is going steal from you." disciplined Jing, she sighed but smile after seeing her daughter was happy. She then turn to Huo as he was trying to read the written language of the Spartan Empire. "You know you didn't have to include us." she spoke to him.

Huo put down his book and nodded. "But I can't bear watching your daughter starve to death," he said. He looked Jing who reminded him of Zhōng growing up, his smiled though the war dragged on was never dampened and only became bigger. Thinking about him allowed a tear roll down his face as he didn't hear anything about what happen to him.

"You miss someone, don't you?" asked Jing calmly. She noticed the tear rolled down Huo's face and how he looked at her daughter with guilt.

"My son," confessed Huo and he turned to look at the ocean. South of the Spartan Capital was the Viking Empire and just west of it was the Ninja Empire. He wanted to head back to his home, he wanted to let Zhōng know he's alive. However if he did either, Zhōng or he will be facing greater punishments then before.

"I'm sure he misses you too," stated Jing as he reached out and gripped Huo's hand. Huo was surprised and looked down at his hand, then he looked up and smiled at Jing. He was happy that she allowed him into their life and he was glad he allowed them parts of his.