In the WILLAM ROOM DAE-KIM was walking around the room and thinking about the today incidents and ask to himself "how i was at WILLAM body, how the hell this happen i remember that i got hit by a car. No no this not time to think about how i get into 'WILLAM' body it first i should find way to protect myself from this people. If they find out that i am not the original 'WILLAM', i am sure they will kill me in that instant".
At the same time the count('WILLAM' father, JOSH D. RODHAM) knock the door and say's "WILLAM are you inside the i came to visit, open the door" hearing it DAE-KIM was shock and thinking in his mind " what the hell, why WILLAM father is here did he find anything suspicious about me " then he listen a loud knocking sound is coming from door suddenly 'WILLAM FATHER' says in angry voice "WILLAM i am coming in" then suddenly head butler open the door and the count and the head butler enters the room and sees that WILLAM is walking around the room. At the same time DAE-KIM was shock seeing both the count and head butler, and thinks in his mind "why this both came here i think this middle age man is the count of this estate and the 'WILLAM' father, JOSH D. RODHAM and man besides him is see to like a butler, but why are they come here should i ask them" and sees at them slowly DAE-KIM notice that they both are looking at him very seriously seeing them DAE-KIM think "why are they looking at me that seriously, did i do any mistake first let greet them first, but how should i greet them". Then DAE-KIM quickly bow down to and greet the both 'WILLAM FATHER'(JOSH D. RODHAM), and butler then DAE-KIM says in politely, sweet tone "dear father why do you come my room do you have any important work with me". hearing what WILLAM said both the count(WILLAM FATHER) and head butler was stunt at moment and see the WILLAM with a shocking expression. Seeing there expression like that DAE-KIM again think "shit did i do something again, but why are they reacting like this again and again, why they can not repones normally" then WILLAM FATHER(JOSH D. RODHAM) ask to WILLAM in a trembling voice "WILLAM are you alright, did you fall from bed or hit your head with anything" then DAE-KIM reply "no no, dear father nothing like that happens, but can you tell me why are you asking me like that", WILLAM FATHER reply "because you are speaking very politely and very strangely". After hearing what WILLAM FATHER DAE-KIM said was shock and think that "what are they taking about after waking up in this WILLAM body seeing the dress, furniture around the room and the behaviour of the around him look like some rich man around 14 or 15 centuries time so i tried to talk to him politely and he (WILLAM FATHER JOSH D. RODHAM) say i am taking very strangely, i can not understand them at all" . then WILLAM FATHER shout at WILLAM "then did you cause any trouble again because you are taking too sweetly, is it because you and baron fin son's get into fight you try to cover it up but it is way to sweet and i can not understand why are you doing like this " then suddenly head butler interrupt and says "my lord, sorry for interrupting you but, young master is still kid and also young master is still not fully recover from his wound, so please do not yell at him like that " then WILLAM FATHER says to head butler "you right RON" after that he see WILLAM then says "WILLAM come to my room after tomorrow lunch understand" DAE-KIM reply "ok father" and think "thank to that butler that now i escape from that middle age man but i still have face him tomorrow"