After WILLAM FATHER (JOSH D. RODHAM) leaves the room DAE-KIM sit at bed and think in his mind " shh it is really though to deal with the 'WILLAM FATHER' but thank to that butler that now i escape from that middle age man, but i still have face him tomorrow also i think WILLAM body is in this state because fight with they so called baron fin son's or what so". Later that day at noon a maid comes to WILLAM room with lunch on table seeing her DAE-KIM thinks "the maid is come again this time i should definitely know how WILLAM behaviour was". then the maid ask to WILLAM "young master you lunch is ready please have your lunch". listing it DAE-KIM wakes up from his bed and goes to table and sit on a chair and started eating his lunch with fork and small knife seeing the maid ask "young master why are you eating with fork and knife today you are usually like eat with a spoon", DAE-KIM say to the maid "that i just like to eat with the fork and knife today" and think in his mind "oh shit here it goes again, this look like a rich family so i thought think i should eat nice but i think there is no need for it" after eating his lunch the maid ask to WILLAM "young master after finishing the lunch lady of the house wish to see you, so she asking for permission to enter your room". hearing it DAE-KIM was shock and thinks in his mind "lady of the house means WILLAM MOM, MARIA D. RODHAM but why she is asking permission to see her own son" then DAE-KIM ask to the maid "why mother is asking like that anyway tell her to come" then the maid reply "ok young master". then DAE-KIM think in his mind "this family is really weird but this will be perfect get to know about this WILLAM and his family but why she ask to meet her own son, the more i getting to know about this family it's getting more complicated"

After some time DAE-KIM again hear a knocking sound coming out from the WILLAM room. then DAE-KIM thinks in his mind "now who come to room". Then a women voice come from the outside of the door saying that "WILLAM it me your mother, i am outside can i coming in". hearing it DAE-KIM say "come in mother". then 'WILLAM' MOTHER, "MARIA D. RODHAM' enter the room along with a small baby girl and that small girl try to hide behind the WILLAM mother seeing her DAE-KIM thinks in his mind "this middle age blonde hair women is WILLAM MOTHER and the lady of this house 'COUNTESS, MARIA D. RODHAM', but who is this small girl behind her she look same like WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM)". Then DAE-KIM bow down and greet the WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) and say "dear mother why are come to my room". Then WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) reply "WILLAM why are you acting so maturely did something happen to you, any way i come her to check your health condition WILLAM are you alright" DAE-KIM reply "no mother i am perfectly alright if you have any doubt you can check me". Then suddenly WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) hugs DAE-KIM tightly and started crying and say "WILLAM do you known how much worried i was about you, please do not do anything ridiculous like this please my dear". At the same time DAE-KIM felt a warm and sweet feeling that coming from the 'WILLAM' MOTHER, "MARIA D. RODHAM', then without his realisation. DAE-KIM said to the WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) "its okay mom do not worry about me, i am okay so please do cry ok" then DAE-KIM also started to cry. Seeing they both cry the little girl also started to cry and say "mommy why are you and big brother are crying please do cry" then WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) tells to the little girl "noting dear your big brother and me are just playing a game do not worry about us dear we are good" then the little say "mommy please do not play games like this liya was so worry about both of you ok" then WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) hugs her and say "ok dear we will never play games like again". then after some time WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) leaves the room with the room with little girl before leaving WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) say to the DAE-KIM "do not worry about tomorrow your daddy will not scold much i will tell him so do not worry about it WILLAM okay". then DAE-KIM say to the WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) "ok mom do not worry about me i will take to dad tomorrow", then WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) say to DAE-KIM "ok WILLAM good night take care and rest well" then DAE-KIM said to the WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) "ok mom good night do not worry about me" the little girl said to WILLAM "good night big brother " then DAE-KIM said to the little "ok little angle good night". Then the both leave the room and DAE-KIM lay down on bed and think about today things and thinks in his "a family is not bad tomorrow i will meet the WILLAM FATHER or THE LORD OF THIS LAND COUNT JOSH D. RODHAM and re-establishing of my self"