Chapter 4 Do You Really Think Jianguo Relies On His Words?

Listening to the contents of the constitution read by Chen Yang, netizens were completely shocked this time.

I thought that buying an island and establishing a country was a joke, but it turned out that they even revised the constitution.

After reading the constitution, Chen Yang said: "It's getting late, I'm going to have something to eat first. I will continue to update about the founding of the country. Goodbye everyone."

After saying that, Chen Yang stopped broadcasting.

The video content of his live broadcast was immediately downloaded by the marketing account, and the important parts were edited and sent out.

# Crowdfunding to buy an island and build a country, draft a constitution, the world's 198th country is about to be born#

"This anchor is serious, he is so serious!"

"Damn it, the Constitution has come out, it's so ridiculous!"

"Before reading the hot search, what is this thing? After reading it, what is this thing?"

"Yan Guo, this name is so down-to-earth."

"Flag, national emblem, country name, constitution, now we just have to buy an island and establish a country!"

"This anchor is the most ruthless activist I have ever seen!"

"I looked at the content of the constitution, and it has a nose and eyes, and it looks like it's real."

"I'm starting to look forward to it!"

"I'll invest 100 yuan, anchor, come on, we must take down this island!"

The video is getting more and more popular, and the number of likes is getting more and more.

Soon, a marketing account reposted it to other forums.

Originally, the popularity was limited to Douyin, but now it has spread directly to the entire network.

As time went by, the news about Chen Yang's crowdfunding to buy an island and build a country gradually became hot searches on Weibo, Bihu, and Tieba.

Even many entrepreneurs have seen it.

Some entrepreneurs were a little moved after seeing it.

There are many islands that can be bought and sold, but there is only one island in the world that can be used to build a nation!

However, they were just moved and had no intention of buying.

They have money, and buying an island with millions is nothing.

But the problem is, they can't be as free and easy as Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is an ordinary person. He can directly crowdfund and buy the island with great fanfare, and even claims that the purpose of buying the island is to build a country.

Even if this kind of thing spreads all over the Internet, it will at most cause some heated discussion, but it will not cause any political issues.

But they, entrepreneurs worth hundreds of millions, cannot and dare not do this.

Therefore, no matter how precious this kind of island with independent nation-building attributes is, they dare not buy it.

Of course, there is another more important reason.

That is, things like founding a country cannot be accomplished by just talking.

This requires huge amounts of money, a lot of talent, and long-term development.

Just having money is useless.

Therefore, although Chen Yang's behavior seems outrageous, no one with any knowledge thinks that Chen Yang can build a country on his own.

Not realistic at all!

And what is the difference between this kind of desert island and the original stone forest?

Just for basic development, huge amounts of money have to be invested.

Building a country there is no different than throwing money into the water.

No one with any sense would do this.

At the same time, the Jiangling City Public Security Bureau, where Chen Yang is located, has received multiple alarm calls.

The video is so popular. Although many netizens support it, there are still some people who think Chen Yang is cheating money and ask the police to arrest him!

To put it bluntly, it's jealousy.

Although they don't know how much crowdfunding Chen Yang has received, they can guess from the popularity of the video that it will definitely not be less than a few million.

Just by relying on one video, he made millions in less than a day. This is so enviable.

"Okay, we know, we'll look into it."

Because this matter was quite a big deal, the police reception center directly contacted the director of the police station.

Zhong Chenggong is the director of the Huayuan Road Police Station. After receiving this case, he just thought it was strange.

Crowdfunding to buy an island and build a country...

What does this person think?

He called all the police officers in the station over and spoke briefly.

"Buy an island and build a country?"

"Is this a fraud case?"

"I know about this, it's been on the hot search, and the news was just pushed to me."

"This guy is a bit awesome."

Zhong Chenggong said: "First check the identity of Chen Yang, check his address, and then go to him to find out more about the matter. Lao Wang, you are responsible for this case. Find him before tomorrow and understand clearly." "

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Lao Wang nodded.

They left the office and through photo comparison, it didn't take much effort to find Chen Yang's information and determine his address.

Lao Wang glanced at the time, it was already evening.

"Old Wu, let's go eat first, and then come find him after we finish."


Both of them are veteran police officers and have experience.

This kind of case is actually not complicated, and under normal circumstances there is no need for them to take action.

It was really too much of a fuss.