Chapter 5 Crowdfunding Is Completed And The Founding Of The Country Is Imminent!

After dinner, at 7:30 pm, the two drove to the community where Chen Yang lived.

At this moment, Chen Yang has already had dinner and is sitting in front of the computer typing code.

He purchased the relevant skills of [Programmer] and is building the Yanguo national website and APP.

How can a country not have its own official website?

"Dong dong dong."

A knock on the door interrupted Chen Yang's movements. He walked over to open the door and saw two policemen.

He was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, the other party spoke first.

"Chen Yang?"

"it's me."

"We are the police from the Garden Road Police Station, and we are looking for you to investigate something."

"Come in and talk."

Chen Yang invited them in and asked, "What are the two police officers asking me to investigate?"

The two of them have been observing Chen Yang. The old police officers have their own way of looking at people.

Generally speaking, if someone has committed a crime and is suddenly visited by the police, they will show some nervousness.

But Chen Yang didn't.

The two introduced themselves first, and then said: "Did you release a crowdfunding video?"

Chen Yang suddenly realized, are you looking for me for this matter?

He nodded and said, "Yes."

Officer Wang said: "Someone called the police and said that you are suspected of crowdfunding fraud."

Chen Yang laughed: "This is nonsense. Crowdfunding is legal and compliant. The crowdfunding activities I organized were also activities permitted by national laws. I can provide the two police officers with relevant documents and procedures." ."

As he spoke, he took out his bank card and some documents for opening a custodial account from the room.

The two took it and looked at it carefully.

They are indeed all compliance procedures, and the date of processing is today.

They then checked the bank account number posted by Chen Yang in the video, and it was indeed the account of the supervisory bank.

In other words, the crowdfunding campaign launched by Chen Yang is completely compliant and there is no so-called fraud.

Of course, it's only in the crowdfunding stage now.

The money he raised from crowdfunding must be used to purchase and build islands.

If it is used for other purposes, it involves misappropriation of public funds.

Only at that point will he be involved in crime.

But that's something that hasn't happened yet, and the two of them can't control it.

The two policemen confirmed that Chen Yang's crowdfunding behavior was legal and compliant, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your cooperation. Let's go back first."

"Okay, walk slowly."

After seeing the two off, Chen Yang returned to the room and continued typing on the keyboard.

I kept busy until late at night and early in the morning, and finally the website and APP were all completed.

Looking at the clean and tidy website, Chen Yang showed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, the system's rewards appeared again.

[Build a national website and APP and reward 50,000 citizen points! ]

Chen Yang opened the system and looked at the 350,000 citizen points. He couldn't wait to buy the island and build his own country.

The next day, Chen Yang woke up and took a look at his bank account.

Balance: 10 million!

Crowdfunding completed!

Because the crowdfunding amount is set at 10 million, once it reaches 10 million, no more transfers can be made to this account.

After careful planning, the crowdfunding of 10 million was completed in less than 24 hours.

The process went so smoothly that Chen Yang felt a little incredible.

If you have enough money, you can buy an island!

He immediately opened the website and placed an order!

successfully ordered!

He only needs to pay 1 million US dollars to the other party within three days to complete the transaction!

"Exchange foreign currency first!"

Because the crowdfunding was in RMB, he had to convert the money into US dollars before traveling to Saipan.

Each person in the Dragon Kingdom can exchange 50,000 US dollars in foreign exchange per year, but if it is for commercial purposes, there is theoretically no foreign exchange restriction.

Chen Yang is a self-media and has registered a company.

In the name of his self-media company, he converted all the 10 million RMB into US dollars for the purpose of purchasing the island.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when I came back from the bank.

"It's time to book your flight!"

Chen Yang opened the travel APP and purchased a ticket to Saipan.

He booked a flight at 12 noon today.

After booking the flight ticket, Chen Yang started to pack his things.

There was nothing to pack, so I brought a few sets of clothes, picked up my passport, and Chen Yang left with his bag on his back.

On the way, his cell phone started ringing.

The video he posted went viral, and his parents and some relatives and friends also saw it.

At this moment, there were calls, some asking him to borrow money, and some asking him to stop messing around.

His parents also thought he was fooling around, but Chen Yang had already taken this step and it was impossible to stop.

He talked to his parents a lot before dispelling their worries.

As for those who borrow money, get away with them as far away as possible.

He simply refused to answer subsequent calls.

At eleven o'clock, Chen Yang arrived at the airport. After collecting the tickets, he took out his mobile phone and started the second live broadcast.

When the broadcast started, there were 10+ people online, and the barrage was as dense as rain.

Chen Yang said: "Thank you for your support. The crowdfunding has been completed. I have bought the island, booked a flight ticket at 12 noon, and am now heading to the airport."

Chen Yang showed the purchase records on the auction website and air ticket information to netizens.

"I'm sorry, crowdfunding is now complete?"

"The boss is awesome!"

"Already looking forward to it!"

"I really admire the boss's ability to act!"

"Hurry up, boss, I'm waiting for your passport!"

After chatting with netizens for a few words, Chen Yang went off the air.

Major marketing accounts also posted Chen Yang's progress immediately.

# Chen Yang has purchased the island and has set off#

"This boss is a ruthless man. He really wants to build a country."

"Although I'm not optimistic about it, it's still fun to watch for fun."

"I guess he won't last a few days before collapsing. This kind of desert island is not suitable for people to live at all."

"Don't pour cold water on me."

"I'm not throwing cold water on it, it's really unrealistic."

"It is indeed unrealistic. If you use your brain a little, you can understand. Let's not talk about something as far away as the founding of the People's Republic of China. Let's talk about survival. You must have water, electricity and fire, right? If you just go out for ten days and a half, it will be enough. But it's simply impossible to live there for a long time."

"Haha, who doesn't know the issues you mentioned? Do you think the big boss doesn't know it? But they did it anyway. This big boss is definitely a giant in action, but unlike you, he just thinks about this without doing anything. If you can't do that, you can't do it."

"Indeed, this big boss has already beaten 90% of ordinary people in terms of mobility."

Now the entire Internet is paying attention to Chen Yang, and his every move arouses the curiosity of netizens across the country.