Chapter 18 : Drink for One


Too unsettled to remain in my bed, I tossed the covers aside and headed to my wardrobe to get changed. I couldn't stay cooped up in this suddenly too small of a room–not with the walls echoing my frantic thoughts, closing in on me as if they wanted to suffocate me.

I needed air, some space to think—so I slipped on a pair of sandals and a loose dress, and made my way to a nearby coffee shop for a late breakfast.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a cheerful barista–a young woman with an easy smile that I envied at the moment. She nodded as I ordered a black coffee and a sandwich, her fingers dancing over the register.

Securing a corner table by the window, I sipped the bitter coffee—its warmth sliding down my throat and my stomach, providing me with temporary comfort.