Chapter 19 : My Idea of Fun


The cool night air did little to sober the heady buzz coursing through my veins as Adrian guided me towards his car—a sleek, predatory thing that seemed to crouch in the parking lot, waiting.

"Of course you'd have such a car," I mumbled, my words slurring just a touch as I traced the smooth line of the black hood with an unsteady finger. Adrian’s chuckle rumbled through the air as he opened the passenger door for me, his hand on the small of my back steady and warm.

"Watch your head," he cautioned, though it was unnecessary; my movements were surprisingly calculated for someone whose head was spinning.

Adrian circled the vehicle and settled into the driver's seat, the door closing with a satisfying thud. He turned the key, and the engine purred to life.

I was acutely aware of him—his every movement, every breath. After the dream I had with him this morning, being confined in the intimate space of his car felt like I was doing something really dangerous.