Chapter 41 : Dream Girl


For a long moment, we stare at each other, our eyes saying words that our lips aren’t able to. I’m in complete and utter shock. I’m not sure how I feel. I sit down on the stool and try to collect my thoughts. Shane leans against the shed wall, rubbing the tears away from his eyes. On the one hand, I’m touched by his apology and him offering me an out, not for him, but for me.

It’s the most unselfish thing I’ve ever seen him do, and he is doing it for me. I dry my tears and turn toward him. Alright, now is the time. I need to be honest with Shane. I need to tell him exactly how I feel. I’ve never had trouble with telling him what I want. This time shouldn’t be any different. I sit up straight and look directly into his eyes.

“Shane, I’m touched by your apology. I know that you truly mean it. It is true that I was hurt when you didn’t come to rescue me. I won’t deny that.”