I hide further in the bushes. Damn it, I thought I was being quiet enough, but Shane has very good hearing. Thankfully, our pack's future Alpha takes the witch's hand, and they leave the forest.
I’ve been keeping tabs on Morgan and Shane ever since she somehow came back from being kidnapped by the monster hunter. How in the hell did that even happen? I had orchestrated the perfect way for Morgan to die, and that inept hunter didn’t finish the job. Now the witch and Shane are trying to kick me out of this pack? How laughable. I’ve been part of this pack longer than Morgan has been alive. How dare that stupid little witch?
I noticed that Shane was missing this afternoon, and I’ve been looking for him all over. I found the happy little couple’s hiding place. Thankfully, their clothes were on by the time I discovered them. I want to call a pack meeting that didn’t involve Shane’s inner circle. His mom, Serena, Cain, and Tanya.