0079 -Mending the Rift!

A heavy silence fell over as the full gravity of Wei Tian's pronouncement sank in. Even Gu Lei, for once, found himself at a loss for words, his usual bravado evaporating in the face of such an existential threat. In their clans they have used Void Anchors before but they were never educated on this kind of threat. 

Everyone wondered why this crucial information was kept secret from them.

"What... what must be done?" Shangguan Bai asked finally, his voice strained with anxiety.

Wei Tian met his gaze, his childlike expression showed a mature resolve. "I must bind the rift, weaving the Spatial Laws, harmonize to stitch its ragged edges together and contain the chaotic essence. But in order to do so, I will require your strength, your combined cultivation, to fortify the bindings and prevent the rift from unraveling before the sealing can be completed."