0080 -Calm before the Storm.

The tide of dark wolves surged forward, a wave of dark fur and gnashing teeth. Their eyes burned with an unnatural red light, reflecting the strange power of the rift. Frothy snarls ripped from their throats, ready to tear anything into feast.

Gu Lei roared, once again, arrogantly he jumped ahead, challenging the coming tide. He met the first wave head-on, his massive iron rod a whirlwind of destruction. With each swing, a thunderous crack echoed as bone met metal. 

Wolves crumpled, their bodies tossed aside like ragdolls. Dark liquid, instead of blood, splattered the ground, displaying his ferocity. "Is this all you've got?" he bellowed, his voice had a tinge of disappointment.

Caiyi Yanzhi, dashed like a serpent, danced through the pack. Her signature fans, razor-sharp and deadly, became a blur of purple and pink in the pure light shining out of Wei Tian. Each flick of her wrist was a precise strike, parting flesh and severing spines.