0133 - The Burden of Genius: Imposter Syndrome.

With his sad face, Lu Sheng turned to Ming Mei like a little child whose candy had been stolen. "Why does this happen to me every time, Big Sister?" he said in a very sad tone, almost crying.

"What? What happened, Junior Brother? Tell me. Did somebody bully you?" Ming Mei panicked seeing the almost crying face of Lu Sheng. Her eyes started to turn red with rage. In her eyes, Lu Sheng's clean, plump face was as cute as a sunflower. If someone had tried to hurt her cute junior brother, she would not let that person go at any cost.

Lu Sheng's eyes welled up with tears as he looked at Ming Mei, his expression a perfect picture of melancholy. "Big Sister, it's not about bullying. It's... it's about the cruel jokes of destiny. Why does fate always play such wicked games with me?"

Ming Mei's brow furrowed deeply. "What? Junior Brother, what are you saying? What do you mean, Junior Brother? Your fate seems blessed with this rare talent..."