0134 - The Taste of Enlightenment.

He grabbed his head dramatically. "And for what? So I can burn out like a shooting star? So I can work myself to death and end up in the fires of hell?"

Ming Mei approached cautiously, utterly bewildered. "Junior Brother, are you saying your... talent is forcing you to cultivate too hard?"

"No! Yes! I don't know!" Lu Sheng wailed. "It's like... imagine having a second voice in your head, always telling you what to do, how to do it, pushing you beyond your limits. But you can't tell anyone about it because they'll think you're crazy!"

He looked at Ming Mei with pleading eyes. "Do you understand, Big Sister? This... this thing that everyone thinks is so wonderful, it's tearing me apart! It's like having an overpowered chea... um... an overwhelming force inside me that does not listen to me at all!"