0208 -

"Use the Heart of Light," Selene instructed, her gaze focused on Wei Lin. "Its power will amplify your own. Together, we can banish the darkness."

Wei Lin nodded, holding the Heart of Light high. Its glow intensified, merging with Selene's energy. The combined light washed over the clearing, driving the shadowy figures into retreat.

The attackers fled into the forest, their dark forms dissolving into the shadows. The clearing was once again peaceful, the whispers of the forest replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves.

"We did it," Mara said, her voice filled with relief. "We drove them back."

Selene approached, her presence calming and reassuring. "The Shadow Covenant will not stop. They will continue to pursue the Heart of Light. You must remain vigilant."

"We will," Wei Lin replied, her resolve unwavering. "Thank you for your help, Guardian Selene."

Selene nodded. "The Light is with you, Wei Lin. Trust in its power, and you will succeed."