0209 -

As Wei Lin and her companions moved forward, the open plains stretched before them, dotted with wildflowers and swaying grasses. The sun climbed higher in the sky, warming their backs and lifting their spirits. They walked in a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts but sharing a sense of purpose and camaraderie.

"Selene," Mara began, breaking the silence, "how did you become a Guardian of the Light? Is it something you chose, or were you chosen?"

Selene smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the sunlight. "It is a calling, one that is felt deeply within. I trained for many years, learning the ways of the light, understanding its power and how to wield it. When the time was right, I was chosen to take on the mantle of Guardian."

"It must be a great responsibility," Kaito remarked, his voice tinged with admiration. "To protect such an ancient and powerful force."