0212 -

As they made their way through the final corridors, Wei Lin felt a sense of determination settle over her. The journey was far from over, but each step brought them closer to their goal. The Heart of Light pulsed gently, a constant reminder of the hope they carried and the light they fought to protect.

With the stronghold secured, they prepared to return to the

village, knowing that their mission had only just begun. The path ahead was filled with uncertainty and danger, but their resolve was unwavering.

As they emerged from the stronghold, the first light of dawn touched the horizon, casting a gentle glow over the landscape. They moved quickly but carefully, the weight of their recent victory mingled with the knowledge that many battles still lay ahead.

Selene glanced at Wei Lin as they walked. "We've taken a significant step today, but we need to ensure the information we gathered gets into the right hands."