0213 -

Jian, usually quiet and reserved, spoke up. "We fight not just for ourselves, but for everyone who can't. That gives us strength."

As the night deepened, the group settled into a rhythm. Selene took her place at the edge of the camp, her eyes keen and alert. The fire crackled softly, casting a comforting light on the faces of those who rested.

Wei Lin approached Mara, who was carefully organizing the scrolls and documents they had retrieved. "Anything useful?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Mara glanced up, her expression thoughtful. "A lot of these are written in codes and languages I don't fully understand yet. But there's information here that could be crucial. Maps, plans, lists of names. It'll take time to decode everything."

Wei Lin nodded. "We have to get these to the Council as soon as possible. They might have the resources to decipher the rest."