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Wei Lin nodded, her hand instinctively moving to her weapon. "Spread out, but stay within sight of each other. We need to flush out whoever is following us."

The group fanned out, moving silently through the underbrush. Wei Lin felt her senses heighten, the forest around her coming alive with sounds and movements. She caught a glimpse of a shadow darting between the trees and moved towards it, her steps deliberate and careful.

Suddenly, a figure leaped out from the bushes, attempting to tackle her. Wei Lin sidestepped and swiftly countered, pinning the attacker to the ground. She found herself looking into the frightened eyes of a young boy, no older than twelve.

"Let me go!" the boy hissed, struggling against her grip.

Wei Lin eased her hold but didn't release him. "Who are you? Why are you following us?"

The boy glared at her, his defiance clear despite his fear. "I was sent to watch you. To see if you're friend or foe."