0216 -

Inside the tent, Mara and Jian worked quickly, taking notes and copying details from the maps and documents. They knew their time was limited, and every second counted.

Outside, Wei Lin continued to observe, her senses alert. She saw Kaito return to Selene, his expression serious. He gestured for them to move back, and they began to retreat from their position.

Wei Lin waited for Mara and Jian to finish their reconnaissance. After a tense few minutes, they emerged from the tent, carrying their notes and sketches. They made their way back to Wei Lin, moving as silently as shadows.

Once they regrouped, Wei Lin signaled for them to fall back to a safer distance. They retreated to the rocky outcrop where they had first observed the camp, their breaths coming in quiet, controlled bursts.

Kaito spoke first, his voice low. "The robed figures are planning a ceremony, something significant. They mentioned reinforcements and the next phase of their plan."