0217 -

Wei Lin glanced at Selene and Mara, who were hidden behind a cluster of rocks, ready to trigger the diversion. She gave a silent nod, her heart pounding with the gravity of the moment.

The signal was given. A series of loud, crackling explosions echoed through the camp as the diversion took effect. Flames roared up from the crates and supplies they had set alight, casting an eerie glow across the camp. The Covenant soldiers scrambled to contain the chaos.

In the confusion, Wei Lin and her team moved quickly. Kaito and Jian headed towards the central tent, their movements swift and purposeful. Wei Lin followed closely, her eyes scanning for any sign of additional guards or traps.

As they approached the main tent, the robed figures were disoriented, their focus split between the fire and the ceremony. Wei Lin and her team slipped inside, their goal clear: disrupt the ritual and gather any remaining information.