Diagon Alley Discovery

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"Yes," Harry nodded. "are you from Hogwarts?" He asked in a hopeful voice.

"Yes, I am." She smiled. "I am Professor Bathsheda Babbling, I teach Ancient Runes at Hogwarts."

"Ancient runes?" Harry asked, sounding very interested.

"Yes," She nodded. "it's a form of writing that witches and wizards used hundreds of years ago," She explained. "in my class I teach a lot of things like how to read runes and how to use them."

"So if I come then I would get to learn Ancient Runes?" Harry asked.

"Actually, not in your first year." Bathsheda replied. "At the end of your second year you will be given a few classes to chose from, Ancient Runes is one of the options you can choose from."

"Oh," Harry hummed before shaking his head. "sorry, I should have invited you in already. Come on in." Harry stepped to the side so she could enter.

"Thank you," She smiled at him as she walked in, Harry closed the door before leading her into the living room. When she entered, she looked around the rather boring room and noticed a ton of photos but none of them appeared to be of Harry. "Where is your family?" She asked as she sat down on a sofa.

"My relatives are currently out," Harry replied, the Dursley's were currently off visiting some business partner of Vernon's. "but don't worry, they're aware that somebody would be visiting." Harry lied, he was rather hoping to surprise his relatives by suddenly having a witch or wizard show up, sadly he like many had to suffer thanks to bad timing. "So, you're here to explain and talk to me about Hogwarts, correct?"

"Yes, I..." Bathsheda found herself cut off when she suddenly heard a hissing sound. "...what was that?" She asked.

Her answer came when she saw a black snake with emerald eyes slithering into the room, she gasped and jumped out of her chair, pulling out her wand. She was about to cast off a spell when she saw Harry Potter stand up and calmly walk to the snake, she was about to tell him to get back when he kneeled down and picked it up before placing it around his shoulders.

"Oh, this is Jet." Harry smiled as he gestured to the snake on his shoulders who hissed at Bathsheda. "He says 'hello'." Harry translated. "Oh, can you understand him? I've never met anyone else who can speak to snakes." Harry admitted.

"You can speak to snakes?" Bathsheda said slowly, as if she couldn't believe what she just heard


After getting over the shock of Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, having a snake of all things, Bathsheda took Harry to Diagon Alley after Harry spent several minutes convincing her that his relatives wouldn't mind and would come back home much later in the day.

But before they did that Harry had discussed the pet rule with Bathsheda, according to his letter he was only allowed to have an owl, cat or toad for a pet and Harry refused to go to Hogwarts without Jet.

Thought that was fixed quickly when Bathsheda cast a spell over the two that confirmed Jet was not a pet and was in fact a 'familiar', which meant that Harry and Jet were in fact bonded. Harry found that he quite liked that, as far as he was concerned he would be friends with Jet forever.

Jet also liked it for the same reasons, but also because he had decided that being a familiar meant that he was better than any other pet - not that he wasn't already as he was a bloody snake after all - plus it meant that he was bonded with the boy that he was convinced was going to be a very powerful wizard.

The two -plus Jet - arrived in Charing Cross road via apparition, which Bathsheda had explained to Harry before they took off. It was apparently like teleporting, though it did not feel anywhere near as fun as it sounded. Harry had nearly thrown up but barely managed to avoid doing so while Jet, who was hiding under Harry's clothes, began hissing in an irritated manner.

"Sorry," Bathsheda said apologetically. "don't worry, the first time's always the worst, after a little bit of practice you barely feel it."

"It felt like my whole body was shoved through a tube and tossed in a random direction." Harry said as he shook his head to clear it.

"Yeah, I felt the same way my first time." Bathsheda replied. "Because I was side apparating you as well, it feels worse than normal. A lot of people throw up the first time."

"Can't imagine why." Harry said dryly, earning a small chuckle from Bathsheda. "You okay Jet?" Harry asked Jet, who hissed to say he was alright.

"Come on," Bathsheda said to Harry as the two began walking. "I'd recommend keeping that pet of yours a secret." Bathsheda suggested.

"Why?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you later once all of our shopping is done," She said just as they arrived outside an odd looking black shop. "this is the Leaky Cauldron." Bathsheda said, "muggles can't see it."

"Muggles?" Harry asked.

"It means a non-magical person, anyway we go through here into Diagon Alley." Bathsheda answered before they entered inside, the Leaky Cauldron definitely looked better on the inside, much cleaner too. Harry took a look around and saw that most of the people here were wearing robes of various different colors. "Give me a sec." Bathsheda said to Harry before waving her wand over her clothes, her clothes suddenly transformed and she stood in front of him, wearing dark red robes.

"Whoa." Harry blurted out.

"Cool isn't it?" Bathsheda grinned.