Introduction to Diagon Alley

"Yeah," Harry nodded before looking at his own clothes, he was wearing simple black trainers, blue jeans and a grey shirt under an open black hoodie. "do I have to change my clothes?"

"No, you'll be fine." She said, "I had just changed my clothes so I could come to your house and not attract attention." She explained before they walked in.

"Ah hello Bathsheda," The Bartender greeted. "can I get you something?" He offered.

"No, thank you, Tom. I'm on Hogwarts business today." She responded.

"Bless my soul," Tom gasped when he saw Harry. "it's Harry Potter!" He blurted out. Instantly all conversation in the room stopped as everyone turned to look at Harry, the silence only lasted a few moments before the customers all began swarming Harry in an attempt to shake his hand, touch him and talk to him.

Bathsheda frowned when she saw this, yes it was Harry Potter but he was also an eleven year old and these adults should show some more control. She looked at Harry who was looking stiff as a board, and realized that he was probably the only one who disliked this more than she did.

Bathsheda grabbed Harry by the shoulders and lead him outside, before Harry or his snake could lash out. She didn't realize how close it was, Jet who had his lower half wrapped around Harry's bicep and his head resting on Harry's wrist, had been mere seconds away from striking out in defense of his master who clearly not been liking all the people swarming him.

"Are you alright?" Bathsheda asked once they had gotten out of the back and into an alleyway that also appeared to be a dead end.

"What the hell was that?!" Harry all but demanded. "What did they want with me?!"

"Probably just to tell people they've met the boy-who-lived." Bathsheda shrugged.

"The what?" Harry repeated.

"You don't know?" Bathsheda blinked.

"Know what?" Harry asked.

"Oh..." Bathsheda facepalmed, she was barely able to stop herself from cursing out loud. She knew he didn't know much about the wizarding world but she had thought that he would have at least known about why he was famous and the fact that he was famous. "...okay. I thought you would have known, um...give me a sec. Okay, let me explain, no there is too much, let me sum up."

"Princess Bride?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? It's a good film," She said defensively. "anyway when you were a kid you lived with your parents, James and Lily Potter."

"Their names was James and Lily?" Harry asked in an interested voice.

"You don't know their names?" Bathsheda gaped.

"My relatives don't talk about them much." Harry said in a tone that said 'move on', thankfully Bathsheda understood and did so.

"Anyway, one day this really bad wizard goes after them. He kills them, but then he finds you. Keep in mind that this wizard was so dangerous that people were scared to even speak his name, they called him he-who-must-not-be-named or you-know-who."

"What was his real name?" Harry asked.

"Oh damn, you're going to make me say it." She sighed. "I'm only going to say it once so pay attention, his name was was 'Voldemort'."

"Voldemort?" Harry repeated.

"Yeah but don't say it." Bathsheda replied. "Before you were born there was a war between you-know-who's forces and everyone else. But then when he tried to kill you, something happened, I don't know really know what but apparently the spell he used backfired and killed him. That's why you're famous and that's why they call you the boy-who-lived, because you not only beat this unbeatable wizard as a baby but you also survived a spell that nobody had ever survived. Harry?" She asked when she suddenly saw him look stiff.

Some hissing was heard before Harry raised his arm up and began hissing angrily at his wrist, where she knew the snake head was. After several moments of this Harry calmed down and took a few deep breaths.

"Sorry about that," He apologized while also making a mental note to tell the Dursley's how happy he was to have them tell him his parents were drunks who died in a car crash, Harry decided to leave the thought of his parents for later, once he was calm he would think about it properly. "this spell, what spell was it?" Harry asked.

"Well..." Bathsheda bit her lip, looking very reluctant to speak of it. "it was the killing curse."

"Killing curse?" Harry repeated.

"Does what it says on the tin," Bathsheda nodded. "it's a forbidden spell, instant kill, one of the worst spells out there and only used by some of the most evil dark wizards and witches. If you ever use it then - no matter what age you are - you get sent straight to prison for life." She paused before shaking her head. "But enough about that, come on, let's get started with your shopping." She said before she moved to the brick wall opposite the Leaky Cauldron. She tapped her wand against bricks in a pattern, a moment later the bricks began moving and Harry's jaw dropped ever so slightly when he saw Diagon alley. "Yeah, a lot of people look like that the first time." Bathsheda grinned before gently nudging Harry forward and the two began walking.

Harry couldn't help but look all around, the place was filled with witches and wizards, various animals ranging from bats to toads to owls. Adults were talking and kids were running, there was food and sweets and cake. There were also various different magical products being sold, including flying brooms of all things.

"Alright, we're going to go to Gringotts bank first." Bathsheda began explaining. "Now usually that's where wizarding families keep most of their money, I imagine your mother and father would have left you quite a large amount. Professor Dumbledore, who is the Headmaster of Hogwarts, gave me the key to your trust vault. That's the vault you'll have access to while at school."

"Wait, why did the Headmaster have my key?" Harry asked quickly.

"I..." Bathsheda frowned, she hadn't thought about that. "...I'm not sure. Perhaps your parents gave it to him, like I said I'm not sure. I can ask him later and give you an answer after." She added the last part, hoping he wouldn't get angry and 'shoot the messenger'. Fortunately for her, all he did was nod, though he did look very thoughtful. "Now before we go to Gringotts I should warn you that it is run by goblins."

"Goblins?" Harry echoed, wondering if he had heard right.